It’s never too late to start something you’ve always wanted to do. It doesn’t matter what you think is holding you back; let’s just call them what they are: excuses. It shouldn’t matter if other people are doing it already or if nobody is doing it at all. The only question that matters is whether or not doing it would make you happy—do you follow your heart and live the life you want?
Here are 5 reasons why you need to follow your heart to live the life you want.
1. The World Needs Your Voice
Your values, your core beliefs, and how you share that with the world are what set you apart. Those are the things about you that are going to make someone say, “yup. That’s them. I really appreciate the work they’re bringing into the world.”
Just imagine how many podcasts there are, not to mention they all have their own tribe of listeners. The same goes for YouTube, blogs, etc. That goes to show that we all consume content differently, too. So, if you’re a writer, write. If you’re a speaker, speak. If you’re a photographer, take photographs.
2. People Want Your Content
There will always be people who love to consume more than they want to create because creating something of your own is hard. Even when it’s something as simple as writing an Instagram caption or a blog post, people are hesitant to create their own content because they wonder if anyone is going to find it helpful, if they’re adding more value to the world or just more noise, or if they’re writing is any good.
But do it anyway. If you want to paint, then paint. If you want to start a DIY blog, start a DIY blog. Express yourself. Share your story with the world. The world needs more of it. So, be brave and follow your heart.
3. You Know You Want This
You have to ride the rollercoaster and overcome the challenges in the way. No path to success is completely smooth. Just follow your heart, and you’ll be ready to face the challenges along the way.
4. It’s a Whole New World
If I didn’t follow my heart, I wouldn’t have pushed myself out of my comfort zone, I wouldn’t have met people who helped me push myself out of my comfort zone, and I would’ve never known how truly encouraging and supportive the people around me are—and I’m so grateful for every one of them.
So if you’re strong and follow your heart, you will open yourself up to an entirely new and exciting world.
5. You Will Inspire Others
When you share your story with others, it sends a message. It shows other people what’s possible when they apply the lessons to themselves. And if that doesn’t seem inspiring, then I don’t know what is.
We’re always growing and learning along the way, so share your story with others because regardless of where you are in your journey, someone out there needs to hear it. Someone out there wants to hear it, so share it with them. Inspire others, and you’ll also end up inspiring yourself.