When it comes to beautiful minimalism, it’s difficult to one-up Scandinavians. A gorgeous building called The Whale is rising out from the ground in the Arctic Circle on the northern coast of Norway. Even though the development of The Whale had stalled for a bit after a large Viking-Era settlement mound was discovered nearby, development is now back on track after it was ruled that The Whale will be a living piece of history and will promote tourism. We can expect The Whale to be opened in June 2023.
The newest images of The Whale were created by Bergen-based studio Mir. Check out the pictures of the building below, dear Pandas, and let us know what you think of it. Personally, seeing The Whale has reignited my desire to go adventuring again. And you can be sure that I’ll be there when the building opens in a few years.
Bored Panda reached out to the team managing The Whale project. Camilla Ilmoni, a member of the team, told us all about whale-watching year-round from Andenes, went into detail about why the development of the building was delayed, and gave us some advice on how to dress when we go visit Norway. Read on, fellow nature-lovers!
Bored Panda联系了管理鲸鱼项目的团队。团队成员卡米拉·伊尔莫尼(Camilla Ilmoni)向我们讲述了在安德内斯全年观鲸的情况,详细解释了建筑开发被推迟的原因,并就我们去挪威旅游时的着装提出了一些建议。读下去吧,自然爱好者们!
The Whale is a building that will appear on the Norwegian coast and is designed by Copenhagen-based firm Dorte Mandrup
“鲸鱼”是一座将出现在挪威海岸的建筑,由哥本哈根的Dorte Mandrup公司设计
It’s designed in such a way as to look like it’s rising from the landscape. At the core of the philosophy is the idea of minimally-invasive design
The building will have space for whale-watching, a museum, offices, and even a cafe
The roof of the whale will encourage the growth of moss to help it better blend into the landscape
The Whale will open in 2023 on the Island of Andøya which is in Norway, in the Arctic Circle
Here are some more mockups
“The farm mound of Andenes was well known, but not the extent of it. It turned out that the mound was even larger than previously thought making it Norway’s largest of its kind. The building site became automatically protected under the Cultural Heritage Act. On the 15th of October, The Whale could celebrate again. Nordland County Council has granted The Whale dispensation from the Cultural Heritage Act.”
Camilla continued: “A year of successful collaboration between the parties has brought results. Naturally, the prolonged process with the zoning plan due to the archeological findings has delayed the project by one year. The new opening date for The Whale is postponed to June 2023. We have used the past year and the extra time well. In October 2020, we could lift the veil on the new exhibition and reveal the very first images of the experience inside The Whale.”
Image credits: Dorte Mandrup
More info: DorteMandrup.dk | Instagram | Facebook | TheWhale.no | Instagram | Facebook | Mir.no