Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers. Whether you're just riding your bike in the neighborhood or coming home from a friend's at night, there are things you can do to protect your valuables and even your life.
To learn more about them, a now-deleted Reddit user posted a question on r/AskReddit, saying "What are the best 'street smart' tips you can give?" Within just 3 days, people have submitted hundreds of answers, providing valuable insights to those who might be exposed to dangerous environments.
If you feel things are about to take a turn for the worse, leave.
Always walk on the side of the road that opposes traffic. This puts distance between you and a car that might be trying to follow you
Trust your gut. Your subconscious can notice details your conscious mind doesn’t. Don’t be afraid of making a scene to keep yourself safe
Basically, just be aware of your surroundings. A lack of situational awareness can lead to some bad things.
Use windows as mirrors to see your blind spots or to check behind you. Literally every window you walk past, you should take a quick glance to know what’s going on in your blind spots. You can almost completely get rid of blind spots altogether because of windows.
Don't walk into the street texting, tweeting, meme-ing, etc. I've seen people walking straight into traffic because of this
Shadows can also be useful to pay attention to when you’re trying to peek behind you or see if there’s someone around a corner
Cops will take the side of anyone that speaks calmly every time no matter the circumstances
Walk confident on the street. Thieves often target people who lack confidence, appear nervous or walk irregularly.
Walk like you know where you're going, make eye contact with strangers, and don't wear fancy clothes/purses/backpacks when walking around the neighborhood or using public transport
图片来源:Ilona Baliunaite