英语世界文摘:What Do Women Leaders Have in Common?
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    What Do Women Leaders Have in Common?


    Besides being women and leaders, that is


    By Sharmilla Ganesan


    On the surface, one would be hardpressed[1] to find many similarities between German chancellor Angela Merkel, Bangladeshi prime minister Sheikh Hasina, and Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – except for the fact that they are all female leaders of nations. Merkel, for example, spent more than a decade as a chemist before going into politics, while Hasina, the daughter of Bangladesh’s first president, attended college at the same time that she served as her father’s political liaison[2], and Johnson Sirleaf was Liberia’s minister of finance and worked at multiple financial institutions outside her country before running for vice president in 1985.

    表面上看,很难找出德国总理安格拉· 默克尔、孟加拉国总理谢赫·哈西娜和利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫三人之间的共同之处——除了她们都是女性国家领导人这一点。比如说,默克尔从政前曾从事化学研究十余年,孟加拉国开国总统之女哈西娜大学期间就担任其父的政治联络员,而约翰逊·瑟利夫在1985年竞选副总统之前还任过利比里亚的财政部长,并在多家海外金融机构有任职经历。

    [1] hard-pressed 很难(做某事)。

    [2] liaison 联络员;联系人。

    But despite the vastly different cultural and political contexts that these women arose in – and the roughly 20 other female heads-of-state around the world – is there something deeper that they share? Answering that question could reveal how women in leadership are perceived around the world, and perhaps more importantly, the obstacles women continue to face in their quest for equal representation.


    The researcher Susan R. Madsen of Utah Valley University says that while many studies have been done on leadership in different cultures, very few have focused on female leadership specifically. From 2009 to 2010 Madsen interviewed women in China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)[3] about their paths to leadership. She said she was surprised by the similarities among the women when they spoke about how they became leaders and advocates[4].

    犹他谷州立大学研究员苏珊·R. 马德森称,虽然对不同文化中领导者的研究不在少数,但其中专门针对女性领导的研究却寥寥无几。2009到2010年,马德森采访了中国和阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)的一些女性领导人,一探她们的领袖之路。她说,听着她们讲述自己成为领导者、倡议者的历程,她感叹于这些女性之间的相似之处。

    [3] 阿拉伯联合酋长国,简称阿联酋。

    [4] advocate 拥护者;支持者;提倡者。

    “Every single one of them talked about finding their voices and their confidence at dinner-table conversations with their families. Their parents talked about politics, about what was happening in the community, and when the women had something to say, their parents didn’t hush them,” Madsen said. In the UAE, where men and women were often separated, women that Madsen interviewed pointed to the role of their fathers in encouraging them to speak up. “Every woman I spoke to said her father would bring home books for her to read when he traveled, which most other people didn’t have.”


    As part of a series of interviews on women and leadership, I spoke to three women from different countries who have each become leaders in their respective fields: Agnes Igoye of Uganda, who works with her government to counter human trafficking[5]; Ikram Ben Said, the founder of Tunisian women’s-rights organization Aswat Nissa[6]; and Sairee Chahal of India, who started SHEROES[7], a digital platform that helps women get back into the workforce. In these conversations I saw Madsen’s observation borne out[8].


    [5] human trafficking 人口贩卖。

    [6] = Voices of Women 突尼斯的一个非政府组织,意为“女性的声音”,致力于为女性争取平权。

    [7] 印度一家帮助女性求职的在线平台。

    [8] bear out 证实;为……作证。

    All three of my interviewees pointed to the family environment they had been raised in – particularly a father figure who taught and empowered[9] the women in the family to learn, ask questions, and form their own opinions – as a key factor in their own growth. This, coupled with mothers or other older women who broke convention by displaying leadership within the family, was common source of early lessons on leadership.


    [9] empower 增加(某人的)自主权。

    Igoye, for example, credited her father with[10] having the foresight to send his daughters to school despite opposition from others in their village. Her mother went back to school as an adult to improve her career as a teacher, which Igoye described as being a big influence on her. Similarly, Ben Said talked about how her father encouraged political debate among the family when she was growing up, even when her opinions contradicted his. Meanwhile, Chahal said that even in her younger days, her parents went against the general convention of expecting their daughters to aspire only to a good matrimonial match[11].


    [10] credit with 认为……有(良好的品质或特点)。

    [11] a good matrimonial match 文中指一个好妻子。

    Another conclusion from Madsen’s work is that women’s leadership development doesn’t look like men’s. “Men are more strategic and [tend to follow] a more linear path to becoming a leader. Women’s paths are much more emergent[12]. They tend to not necessarily look ahead and think, ‘I want to be on top.’ Women would point to a number of experiences – motherhood, or working with a non-profit, or sitting on[13] a board, as shaping their path to becoming leaders,” she said. Madsen likens this to a “patchwork quilt[14]” of experiences – an aggregate that is more clear and cohesive together than as distinct parts.


    [12] emergent 自然而然发生的。

    [13] sit on sth 在……中任职。

    [14] patchwork quilt 百衲被,指用多种不同色泽不同形状的布块拼缝而成的一种薄被。

    Which is why women are more likely to take a grassroots route to politics, says Farida Jalalzai of Oklahoma State University, “Women are more likely to first get into public life through activism[15]; sometimes it is through their identities as mothers to work on a particular problem,” she explained.


    [15] activism 行动主义,主张通过实际行动表达诉求。

    Another reason that women leaders may have some similarities is that they tend to be held to higher standards than their male counterparts, perhaps even more so in countries where there is dramatic gender inequality. Jalalzai has found this in her research. “We have to acknowledge that men are not faced with the suspicion that they can’t be good leaders simply because they are men,” she explained. “Tomorrow someone might say President Barack Obama was a complete failure, but no one is going to conclude from that that all men are bad leaders. So there’s a certain type of privilege that your success or failure is not going to reflect on your entire sex.”


    In Tunisia, for instance, Ben Said said the public is just beginning to accept and trust women in government. “The pressure is on them to perform, to deliver[16] results, so that people will be more encouraged to have more women in positions of leadership,” she told me. And Igoye has felt this in Uganda as well. “Women who take up leadership positions in my country have to be tough, it’s not easy at all,” she said. “You are always aware that you are representing all women. You have to work extra hard to deliver, to perform, because if you do something wrong, they will say, ‘Ah you see, women!’ ”


    [16] deliver 履行诺言;兑现。本段中出现的另一个deliver亦为此意。

    It’s for this reason that merely having women leaders can change the opportunities available for generations of women in a country. As Madsen put it, “Bottom line, what leadership looks like in their country, how much of a voice the women leaders are having, influences what leadership is and what it means to its women. For example, in the Middle East, the top leaders are kings or sheikhs[17], and there is a big separation between the leaders and society. Oftentimes, the women of those cultures just don’t see themselves in those positions, so their understanding of leadership is more male.” And that, perhaps more than anything else, is what Ben Said, Chahal, Igoye, and other women like them around the world stand to change.


    [17] sheikh 音译为谢赫,文中指阿拉伯的亲王、酋长等。


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