Shwan Nawzad / AFP / Getty
Fire engulfs an oil well in the Bay Hassan oil field, in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk, set on fire after being blown up by jihadists, on May 5, 2021. The attackers killed a policeman before blowing up two oil wells in the northern province claimed by both Iraq's federal government and the Kurds, officials said. A security official told AFP that "Islamic State group assailants" killed a policeman and "wounded two others."
2021年5月5日,伊拉克北部基尔库克,大火吞没了被圣战分子炸毁的 Bay Hassan 油田中的一口油井。伊拉克官员说,袭击者打死了一名警察,随后炸毁了伊拉克北部省份的两口油井,伊拉克联邦政府和库尔德人都声称对这两口油井拥有主权。一名安全官员告诉法新社,“伊斯兰国组织的袭击者打死了一名警察,并打伤了另外两人。”