Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty
A woman poses in front of Keith Haring's "Untitled" during a press preview on May 4, 2021, for Sotheby's Contemporary Art Evening Auction in May.
2021年5月4日,在苏富比当代艺术拍卖会的新闻预展上,一名女子在基思 · 哈林的《无题》前合影。
A woman poses in front of Keith Haring's "Untitled" during a press preview on May 4, 2021, for Sotheby's Contemporary Art Evening Auction in May.
2021年5月4日,在苏富比当代艺术拍卖会的新闻预展上,一名女子在基思 · 哈林的《无题》前合影。