The Toad Looks for Food 蟾蜍寻食
It was new year once again. All the families in the village were busy preparing rice cakes to celebrate the new year.
In the village pond there lived a toad. When the snow began to fall, the toad left his home and went to live in the hilly area near the village.There he met a monkey.
One day, the monkey asked the toad,“How shall we steal some of the rice cakes to eat?”They talked about this for some time. In the end, they came up with an idea.They came down from the hills and went to the village.The monkey and the toad reached the village headman's house.Then they carried out their plan to steal the rice cakes.The monkey hid behind the door and waited for the chance to steal the rice cakes.Meanwhile, the toad moved away from the house and then jumped into the village well.
At that time, a servant of the village headman was busy cooking the rice cakes for the new year. She heard the sound of something falling into the well.She screamed loudly because she thought that her master's son had fallen into the well.She immediately left the wooden basins that contained the rice cakes on the table and ran towards the well.
The monkey, who had been hiding behind the door, quickly entered the house. He took a basin containing a rice cake and ran away towards the hills.Not long after, the toad met the monkey there.
The greedy and selfish monkey wanted to eat the rice cake all by himself. He did not want to share the rice cake with the toad.He told the toad that he would roll the basin downhill.“Whoever succeeds in getting the basin first can have the rice cake,”said the monkey.
“That's not fair,”replied the toad.“I can't run as fast as you.”
“You must race with me. If you don't, the whole rice cake will be mine.”said the monkey.
The toad did not have any choice but to agree to the monkey's plan.“All right, I agree,”the toad answered reIuctantIy.
“One, two, three!”rolling basin. They started racing.The basin began to roll downhill.
The monkey ran as fast as he could and was soon in front of the toad. He chased after the rolling basin.
Suddenly, the rice cake fell out of the basin and stopped beside a big rock.
“Thank God,”whispered the toad. He stopped at the hillside and began to eat the rice cake.
The monkey carried on chasing after the basin. When he finally reached the basin, he found it empty.The monkey was surprised and he climbed the hill once more.He soon found the toad eating the rice cake.He wanted to have a part of the rice cake too but he was too ashamed to ask for it.
He regretted trying to cheat his friend and finally went away.
Practising&Exercise 实战提升篇
If anyone else were to treat us like this, we would tear him into pieces.
Or else he would not be friends with you at all.
Then they carried out their plan to steal the rice cakes.
Be cautious in your choice of friends.
He laughs best who laughs last.