We were scheduled for a vacation the following week to visit some old college friends in New York. Maybe a good night’s sleep and a few cocktails would help us re-connect a bit and decompress the pressure cooker of our marriage.
But Lucy had another plan. “I’m not coming to New York with you,”she announced a few days before the trip. She was going to move out for a week; she wanted time to consider the state of our marriage. She spoke in even tones, which only heightened the vertigo I felt.
“What?” I said. “No.”
“I love you so much, which is why this is so confusing,” she said. “But I’m worried we want different things from our relationship. I feel like we’re connected halfway. I don’t want to learn about your worries by accident. When I talk to you about feeling isolated, you don’t seem to think it’s a problem. I need to do something different.”
“Things are going to be okay,” I said. “It’s just residency.”