But I was calling the shots:
“Hey, boss,” I said, “I was just reviewing cases for tomorrow, and I know the first case is booked interhemispheric, but I think it will be much safer and easier if we come parietal transcortical.”
“Really?” the attending said. “Let me look at the films. . . You know what? You’re right. Can you change the booking?”
The next day: “Hi, sir, it’s Paul. I just saw Mr. F and his family in the ICU—I think we’ll need to take him tomorrow for an ACDF. Okay if I book it? When are you free?”
And I was back to full speed in the OR:
“Nurse, can you page Dr. S? I’m going to be done with this case before he gets here.”
“I’ve got him on the phone. He says you can’t possibly be done yet.”T
he attending came running in, out of breath, scrubbed, and peered through the microscope.
“I took a slightly acute angle to avoid the sinus,” I said, “but the whole tumor’s out.”
“You avoided the sinus?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You got it out in one piece?”
“Yes, sir, it’s on the table so you can have a look.”
“Looks good. Really good. When did you get to be so fast? Sorry I wasn’t here earlier.”
“No trouble.”