skip to my lou 就是蹦达着奔向我的甜心。如果是alston,skip cross the floor to my hoop,他的甜心应该是蓝圈,如果你是一个女孩,有一个男生朝你大唱skip to my lou的儿歌,我想不是他太幼稚,把你当卢奶奶,而是你太可爱了,他好喜欢你。。。。
实际上由于这首儿歌过于简单,你会唱也不会明白lou是什麽意思,反而让我们更困惑。 但是如果你有Sampou的Sweet Perfume的CD,一切就迎刃而解了。这个CD里面有一首也叫 skip to my lou的歌,很复杂但是很清楚的描述出了一个可爱的小女孩对她最爱的grandma lou的依恋和回报之情。其中有一句是 Grandma, Grandma, I'm skipping cross the floor to you with my little girl smile and my little girl shoes。(BTW,这句真煽情生动,让我想起我的童年),小女孩欢快地蹦达着穿过地板,奔进了卢奶奶的怀抱。 小女孩认为她的85岁的gramma lou 很sweet,然后结尾也是叠唱 Oh my Grandma Lou, skip to my lou, skip to my lou, my darlin' 很明显,这个小女孩很喜欢她的甜甜的没有牙齿的卢奶奶。所以如果你问现在的美国人skip to my lou的 lou是什麽意思,他们会说lou是sweet,honey,darling,sweethart这类的意思。这是引申意。一些电台也有grandma lou 甜心奶奶讲儿童故事的节目,像不像我门小时候的孙敬修孙爷爷的讲故事节目啊?或者是知心姐姐开始广播了。。。
Lou, lou, skip to my lou. Lou, lou, skip to my lou.
Lou, lou, skip to my lou. Skip to my lou, my darlin’
Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!
Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!
Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!
Skip to my lou, my darlin’
Lost my partner, what’ll I do?
Lost my partner, what’ll I do?
Lost my partner, what’ll I do?
Skip to my lou, my darlin’
I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.
I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.
I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.
Skip to my lou, my darlin’
I’ve got a fal and that ain’t all, I’ve got a gal who’s ten feet tall.
Sleeps in the kitchen with her feet in the hall.
Skip to my lou, my darlin’
I know a fellow, his name is Bill
He was born on the side of hill,
One leg’s longer than the other one still.
Skip to my lou, my darlin’