Donna Summer经典歌曲《No More Tears 》
导读:Donna Summer 是一位灵歌及迪斯科风格的超级歌星。这位黑人女歌星,你也许是头一回听说,但她在许多欧美乐迷的心中却有着至高无上的地位。这位被称为迪斯科皇后的巨星在 70年代和80年代都有许多深受欢迎的作品,包括《Last Dance》 《S-he Works Hard for the Money"》and 《Bad Girls》。
她的作品《Last Dance》曾出现在1978年的电影《Thank God It's Friday》中,并荣获奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲。作品《playing Steve Urkel's》曾2次出现在90年的热播电视剧《Family Matters》中。2011年,她还作为嘉宾评委出席音乐真人秀《Platinum Hit》并与决赛胜出女选手同台表演。
70年代风靡全世界、有“迪斯可皇后”(The Queen of Disco)之称的美国传奇女歌手唐娜莎曼(Donna Summer),于美国时间5月17日上午,因为癌症过逝,享寿63岁。
今天听力课堂给大家奉上Donna Summer的这首《No More Tears 》,让我们一起来缅怀这位永远的迪斯科皇后。
作詞:Barbra Streisand 作曲:Barbra Streisand
It's raining,
It's pouring,
My love life is boring me to tears
After all these years
no sunshine
no moonlight,
No stardust,
No sign of romance
We don't stand a chance
I always dreamed
I'd find the perfect lover
But it turned out to be
Like every other man I loved
I loved
Raining (raining)
Pouring (pouring)
There's nothing left for us here
And we won't waste another tear
If you've had enoough
Don't put up
With his stuff
Don't you do it
Now, if you've had your fill
Get the check
Pay the bill
You can do it
Tell him to just get out
Nothing left to talk about
Pack his raincoat, show him out
Just look him in the eye and simply shout:
Enough is enough
I can't go on
I can't go on no more no
Enough is enough
I want him out
I want him out that door now
I always dreamed I'd find
the perfect lover
But it turned out to be
Like every other man I loved
I had no choice from the start
I loved
I've gotta listen to my heart
Tearing us apart
Enough is enough is enough
I can't go on
I can't go on no more no
Enough is enough is enough
I want him out
I want him out that door now
Goodbye mister
Goddbye mister
Goodbye sugar
No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)
Enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is
I've had it (no more tears)
I've had it
You've had it
She's had it
no more tears
Enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is