There's a nail in the door
And there's glass on the lawn
Tacks on the floor
And the TV is on
And I always sleep with my guns
When you're gone
There's a blade by the bed
And a phone in my hand
A dog on the floor
And some cash on the nightstand
When I'm all alone the dreaming stops
And I just can't stand
What should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out and maybe
And then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
Well goodnight moon
I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon 'til I say
Goodnight moon
There's a shark in the pool
And a witch in the tree
A crazy old neighbour and he's been watching me
And there's footsteps loud and strong coming down the hall
Something's under the bed
Now it's out in the hedge
There's a big black crow sitting on my window ledge
And I hear something scratching through the wall
Oh what should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out and maybe
I just hate to be all alone
Outside the door he followed me home
Now goodnight moon
I want the sun
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If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon 'til I say
Goodnight moon
Well you're up so high
How can you save me
When the dark comes here
Tonight to take me up
The mouth from woke
And into bed where it kisses my face
And eats my hand
Oh what should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out and maybe
And then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
Now goodnight moon
I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon 'til I say
Goodnight moon
No it won't be too soon 'til I say
Goodnight moon
shivaree 法国的三人乐队,主唱名字为Ambrosia Parsley,可爱、干净略嗲的声音带着简单的背景氛围音乐创造出了一首首动听的歌曲。三人组shivaree的音乐有点慵懒舒畅的folk风格,又带点pop的流行轻松,仔细听还加入了歌特的迷幻意味。
一首上乘的歌一旦跟同样经典的电影结合,那种感染力就被放大了数倍。 昆汀·塔伦的《杀死比尔2》中的片尾曲正是这首。美丽而坚强的乌玛·瑟曼开着车,眼中写满了杀死比尔的坚定,而握着方向盘的她又风情万种。看过《杀死比尔》系列的人一定清楚她与比尔的恩怨。听到这首歌,让人不难联想到她还与比尔两情缱绻的时候,作为黑社会老大的女人,在独守空帏的大多数夜晚,有这样柔情百折的倾吐也不足为奇。同样,电影里乌玛·瑟曼报仇时令人钦佩的坚执与勇气也感染到了这首歌。于是乎,Shivaree略带沙哑的嗓音,很好诠释了歌词中那个小女人内心中泯灭不了的爆发力。 缺少了柔情的女人不像女人,而腹中无料的女人则让人看轻。Shivaree柔中带骨的声音,让人不禁浮一大白,陶醉在一片熏然之中......