《The One You Love》你爱的人 老鹰乐队主唱
教程:经典英文歌曲  浏览:11109  
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    Glenn Frey曾是70年代美国最伟大的乐队Eagles(老鹰乐队)的核心成员及主唱之一。1979年乐队解散之后,Glenn Frey开始单独发展,1982年发表的首张个人专辑《No Fun Aloud》产生了多首排行榜前40位的单曲,其中就包括被张国荣翻唱为《梦里蓝天》的这首被公认为不朽的经典英文情歌的《The One You Love》。

    《The One You Love》中英双语歌词:

    I know you need a friend 我知道你需要一个知心朋友

    Someone you can talk to 一个你能真心交谈谈

    Who will understand what you"re going through 并了解你的朋友

    When it comes to love 当爱情来临时来临时

    There"s no easy answer 结果总是难以预料的

    Only you can say what you"re gonna do 只有你自己心里明白你会怎样做

    I know you need a friend 我知道你需要一个知心朋友

    Someone you can talk to 一个你能真心交谈谈

    Who will understand what you"re going through 并了解你的朋友

    When it comes to love 当爱情来临时来临时

    There"s no easy answer 结果总是难以预料的

    Only you can say what you"re gonna do 只有你自己心里明白你会怎样做

    I heard you on the phone you took his number 我听到你在电话中记下了他的电话号码电话号码

    Said you weren"t alone, but you"d call him soon 告诉他你很寂寞并且很快就会跟他联络连络

    Isn"t he the guy the guy who left you cryin" 他不是曾经让你哭泣、伤心的家伙吗?吗

    Isn"t he the one who made you blue when you remember those nights in his arms 当你想起在他怀抱中的无数夜晚

    You know you"ve gotta make up your mind 你应该知道该是你下定决心的时候了

    Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you 你是要留在深爱你的人身边呢

    Or are you going back to the one you love 或是要回到你所爱的人那儿儿

    Someone"s gonna cry when they learn they"ve lost you 有人会因为知道将要失去你而哭泣

    Someone"s gonna thank the stars above 而另一个人则会感激天上的星星

    What you gonna say when he comes over 当他到来时,你将怎么说

    There"s no easy way to see this through all the broken dreamsall the disappointments 所有幻灭的美梦及失望是很难看破的

    Oh girl -- What you gonna do 女孩,你到底要怎么决定??

    Your heart keeps sayin" it"s just not fair 你一直觉得两边都很难割舍

    But still you"ve gotta make up your mind 但是你仍要作出决定

      上一篇:《北京遇上西雅图》片尾曲《What A Wonderful World》多么美妙的世界 下一篇:《Angel》天使 Jack Johnson 送给你唯一的她

