The reading and listening passages debate (have a conflict of opinion about) the practice (plan, proposal, policy) of_________. The reading material points out three major benefits (negative effects), which are contradicted (refuted, undermined, weakened) by the following lecture. PS: 黄色阴影部分可以被替换成下面这句,灵活运用。 黄色阴影部分可以被替换成下面这句,灵活运用。
The theory/hypothesis that _____. To (dis)prove it, the reading material provides three facts.
以上为第一段, 以上为第一段,接下来的蓝色字体要重复写三遍, 接下来的蓝色字体要重复写三遍, 因为阅读中有三个 观点,听力一般分别都有三个观点与之对应,可能同意,可能反驳。 观点,听力一般分别都有三个观点与之对应,可能同意,可能反驳。 每个观点分别重复以下模板
Logical word (例如:firstly, secondly, thirdly….) + the reading 例如: 例如 material claims (argues, believes, holds) that Topic Sentence(ps:这个题句必须写,但需要改写,最好不要照抄原阅读中的句子).
The reading and listening passages debate (have a conflict of opinion about) the practice (plan, proposal, policy) of_________. The reading material points out three major benefits (negative effects), which are contradicted (refuted, undermined, weakened) by the following lecture. PS: 黄色阴影部分可以被替换成下面这句,灵活运用。 黄色阴影部分可以被替换成下面这句,灵活运用。
The theory/hypothesis that _____. To (dis)prove it, the reading material provides three facts.
以上为第一段, 以上为第一段,接下来的蓝色字体要重复写三遍, 接下来的蓝色字体要重复写三遍, 因为阅读中有三个 观点,听力一般分别都有三个观点与之对应,可能同意,可能反驳。 观点,听力一般分别都有三个观点与之对应,可能同意,可能反驳。 每个观点分别重复以下模板
Logical word (例如:firstly, secondly, thirdly….) + the reading 例如: 例如 material claims (argues, believes, holds) that Topic Sentence(ps:这个题句必须写,但需要改写,最好不要照抄原阅读中的句子).