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    The Invention of the telephone

     In the nineteenth century, the invention of the telegraph made it possible to send noises, signals, and even music over wires from one place to another. However, the human voice __1__ this way. Many inventors tried to find a __2__ to send a voice over wires, and in 1876 some of their efforts were crowned with success. ___3___ American inventors, Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray, __4__ at almost the same time. The United States Supreme Court finally had to decide which of the two __5__ the first inventor of the telephone. The Court decided __6__ Bell's favor.
      Born in Edinbrug, Scotland, Bell grew up in a family __7__ was very interested in teaching people to speak. His grandfather had been an actor who left __8__ to teach elocution; his father was a teacher __9__ deaf-mutes learn how to speak.


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