1.到处,在各处(in various directions):There lay books about the room.书被扔得满屋子都是。 /Flowers dot about our school.我们学校里到处点缀着鲜花。/Sheep and cows are about the lawn.草地上到处都是牛羊。
2.向四周,向各处(to various places):He is traveling about the world.他正在世界各地旅行。 /The headmaster took the foreign guests about the campus.校长带外宾参观校园。 /The mice ran away about the house on hearing a cat coming.老鼠们一听见猫到来就向屋子的四周奔逃。
3.在四周,在周围,围绕(round): There are a lot of trees about the house.在房子的周围有许多树木。 /There is a fence about his garden.他的菜园的四周围了一道篱笆。 /The children sat about Lei Feng.孩子们围着雷锋而坐。
4.在附近(in the vicinity of, near):Mr. An bought a house about the school.安先生在学校附近买了房子。 /The parents are chatting and their children are playing with toys about them. 父母们在聊天,孩子们在他们