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      16. I met _______ eleven-year-old boy at the gate. He was Tom's brother.

      A. a B. an C. the D. /

      17. -How did the thief come the _______ house'?

      -_______ the window, I think.

      A. through; From B. into; Through C. to; By D. into; Out of

      18. Mrs. Li is nice. Every day she tried to cook _______ for me during my stay in Suzhou.

      A. something different B. anything different

      C. different something D. different anything

      19. _______, Susan found a weak cat lying on the ground yesterday.

      A. On her way home B. On her way to home

      C. In her way home D. In her way to home

      20. - Is the room only for Amy?

      - No. it's_______.

      A. Amy's and her sister's B. Amy and her sister's

      C. Amy and her sister D. Amy's and her sister

      21 . -The newspaper says that an old man always sleeps his _______ eyes_______

      - That's really interesting.

      A. with; closed B. with; open C. with; opened D. has; open

      22. - Our class won the school basketball match.

      -_______ exciting news!

      A. What B. How a C. What an D. How

      23. . Why are you carrying an umbrella? It's not going to rain.

      - To_______ myself from the sun.

      A. protect B. save C. stop D. prepare

      24. Listen! I can hear Simon _______ in the next room.

      A. sings B. singing C. to sing D. to singing

      25. We stopped _______, but_______ nothing.

      A. to listen; heard B. listening; listened

      C. listening; heard D. to listen; listen

      上一篇:南宁市第四十九中学2013年七年级下期中英语试题及答案 下一篇:苏州市吴江区2013-2014学年七年级下期末英语试卷及答案

