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      25. It is _______ him to save the old man out of the big fire.

      A. brave of B. brave for C. important of D. impolite of

      26. - We can save water by taking shorter showers.

      -_______, turning off the tap when brushing teeth is also a good way.

      A. However B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. For example

      27. I can't believe that great changes_______ in Suzhou in the past 20 years.

      A. has been taken place B. have taken place

      C. took place D. have been taken place


    8. - The_______ you wrote about the film is wonderful.


      - Thanks.

      A. renew B. review C. recycle D. reuse

      29. - You'd better not_______. You should show good_______.

      - OK.I will queue for my turn.

      A. push in; polite B. carry on; politely C. push in; manners D. hand in; manners

      30. This type of mobile phone is_______ for me to_______.

      A. enough expensive; afford B. too expensive; afford

      C. too expensive; afford it D. cheap enough; afford it

      31. - Thanks for giving me_______ on how to improve my English.

      - You are welcome.

      A. such much advice B. so many useful advice

      C. so useful advice D. such useful advice

      32. -_______ Andrew_______ Australia for2 years?

      - Yes, he there in 2012.

      A. Has, gone to; has gone B. Has, been to; has gone

      C. Has. been in: went D. Has. been in: went to

      33. The building_______ be a factory, but now it_______ a shopping centre.

      A. used to; is used as B. is used to; used to be

      C. used to; used t

    o be D. is used to; is used as
      上一篇:苏州市吴江区2013-2014学年七年级下期末英语试卷及答案 下一篇:八年级上册英语期中试卷及答案

