buy time
老师的生日派对马上就要开始了,我却接到Lily 的电话:“I'm so sorry I'm running late to the party, but I'm almost there now—buy me some time so that I don't miss the cake-cutting!”
她说,她就快到了,又不想错过切蛋糕的时刻,所以希望我帮她 buy some time。没错,buy some time 可不是买时间,而是“拖延时间”的意思。
I think we should try to buy some more time.
a bad time
原来,Will 正急着出门参加派对的时候,一个难缠的朋友突然打来电话。这时Will 只能很不好意思的说:
“ I'm afraid you've called at a bad time. I'm already on my way out thedoor.”
bad time:A time that is inconvenient or inopportune.
bad time也不能翻译成“坏时间”, 而表示不方便,不合时宜。
Will 告诉朋友,他正准备出门,这个电话打得有点不是时候。。。
a hard time
She had a hard time on the way to the party.
a hard time 的用途非常广,可以翻译为遇到困难,而困难可能是 be frustrated or meet difficulty 遇到困难,被难题难住:
I'm really having a hard time in math this semester—I need to get a tutor.
Grief or frustration intentionally inflicted on one by another, in the form of teasing, bullying, or other ill treatment.被欺负或不公平对待
The school bully started giving the new kid a hard time until the teacher sent him to the principal's office.
borrowd time
Accidents and disease can strike so unexpectedly that it feels like we're all living on borrowed time.
borrowed time 字面上看,好像是借来的时间,而从语境中看出,它表示,经历磨难,感觉生存来之不易。我们来看一下这段英文解释:
borrowed time :An uncertain length of time that may end soon or suddenly
所以borrowed time常表示自己能活下来,已经非常庆幸,比预计的时间还要长,仿佛是上帝额外借给自己多一些时间。
He was already living on borrowed time,for three times shells had freakishly left him untouched.
race against time
We are all in a race against time to make our dreams come true.
Jen's going to have to race against timeif she wants to get her story in tomorrow's newspaper—it's almost time to send it to the publisher!