
a.My dear, what's for supper?
b.Red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms.
a.Waiter, can you come here for a moment?
b.Yes, is there something wrong?
a.Pam, where's the closest ATM?
b.It's not that far. Do you see that Yellow building over there?
a.Mom, I just finished my paper. Can you proofread it before I hand it in?
b.Sure, let's take a look. Sweetie, this is terrific. Your ideas are so original.
A: I haven't been to the movies in ages.
A: 我好久没看电影了。
B: So, let's go see one. What did you have in mind?
B: 那我们去看场电影吧!你想看什么样的电影呢?
A: Nothing in particular, really, I am just feeling like taking in a film.
A: 什么都行,我就是想看场电影罢了。
B: Well, here we have every kind of movie theaters you could ask for; from international and independent films to Hollywood blockbusters.
B: 嗯,在这儿我们有各种类型的电影院,你想要看什么都有;从世界各国的影片到独立制片都有,也少不了好莱坞的商业电影。
A: Oh, where can I find the times and location listings?
A: 这样啊,哪里可以找到电影场次表跟各戏院的位置呢?
B: Just look in the English newspaper; 7-11 carries them.
B: 去翻翻英文报纸就行啦,在7-11便利店就买得到。
A: How time flies! It's pay day again!
A: 时间过得真快!又到了发薪日了!
B: Yes, it is! You're an engineer, aren't you?
B: 是呀,真快!你是工程师,是吗?
A: Yes, I am.
A: 是的。
B: So you must be earning decently, don't you?
B: 那你钱一定挣得不少喽?
A: Well, just average.
A: 哦,只不过一般而已。
B: What's your salary then, may I ask?
B: 那能不能问一下你的薪水是多少?
A: Sure. My monthly pay is $2,500. What about yours?
A: 当然,我每月的工资是2500美元,你的呢?
B: I'm paid weekly, and it's around $700 per week.
B: 我拿的是周薪,每星期大约700美元左右。
A: That means you can get $2,800 a month. Right? That's quite a sum of money.
A: 那就是说你每月可得2800美元,对吗?这是相当可观的一笔钱呢!
B: Yes, but my pay is on an hourly basis and it's not up to much.
B: 是的,不过我的工资是以小时计算的,而这笔收入并不足道。
A: Then you must be working overtime.
A: 那么你一定在加班工作了。
B: That's right. I work 24 hours' overtime a week. And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay.
B: 对,我一星期加班24小时。而加班工资通常要高于固定工资。
A: So overtime has a bearing on how much you may make in a job. Don't you think so?
A: 所以加班影响工资收入的多少,你不这样认为吗?
B: Definitely. And the degree of responsibility in a job also has a great deal to do with the salary.
B: 是这样,而且工作中所负责任的轻重程度同薪水也有密切联系。
A: Yes. And so are other factors such as experience and fringe benefits.
A: 是的,其他如经验、福利待遇等因素也是这样。
B: No doubt about that. But anyway I have to work hard to earn my money.
B: 这是毫无疑问的,不过无论如何我得努力工作才挣得到钱。
