《容易受伤的女人》是王菲于1992年下半年,从美国返港并重新踏入乐坛而发行的唱片《COMING HOME》中的歌曲。 王菲这张唱片一推出即断市,销量冲破白金,碟内的《容易受伤的女人》,横扫全港,更在各电视台的音乐颁奖礼中,勇夺金曲,声势可谓一时无两,令她一举跃入香港一线女歌手的行列。 该曲粤语版本也是香港电视剧《大时代》的一首插曲。

《容易受伤的女人》是王菲于1992年下半年,从美国返港并重新踏入乐坛而发行的唱片「COMING HOME」中的歌曲。这首歌是王菲翻唱日本歌后中岛みゆき(中岛美雪)70年代末的作品「口红」(ルージュ)。
Keep on loving you
i've been waiting for time
waiting for you to say you're mine
can't hide these feelings inside
let me hold you tonight
i really wany you to know
all these feelings i have to show
how much i've been loving you
tell me you'll be mine
gonna love you keep on loving dear
i will love you tell the end of time
i'll be with you no matter what happens
i'll be there by your side
i will hold you hold you in my arms
i will promise i won't let you go
stay with me make all our
dreams come true
i will give you all i have
coz you mean the whole world to me
i will love you with my heart and
we'll never part
