inclusion 包容
species 1 is now more likely to collide with the pore wallas opposed toanother molecule. 物种1现在更有可能与孔壁碰撞而不是(对照)另一个分子
Please remember toRSVPfor this seminar if you plan to attend.RSVP敬请回复
part of COE‘songoing effortsto improve our culture of diversity inclusion 不断努力

buildinterpersonalrelationship 建立人际关系
naturalized citizens 入籍公民
no later than 不迟于
attend the in-person session 参加面对面的会议
Sincerely, 书信结尾,有个逗号
tie offthe black trash bags 把黑色垃圾袋打结
when we lack courage, we make excuses.当我们缺乏勇气时,我们找借口。
people who were born rich but struggled financially 出生于富人但在经济上挣扎的人
All of this means that no matter your circumstances, you CAN change. 所有这一切意味着无论你的情况如何,你都可以改变。
Here are some upcoming opportunities and current resources这里有一些即将到来的机会和当前资源
whoare adjusting tothe culture 适应这种文化
envision themselves 设想自己
Limited to the first 60 registrants,due toroom size. 由于
Let me know if yourun intoissues. 如果遇到问题,请告知我
Dreams feelingfar梦想感觉很远
over time 随着时间的推移
so can you 你也可以
getreal-timehelp 获得实时帮助
etiquette guide 礼仪指南
blood drive 献血活动
the health andwell-beingof the Community 社区的健康和福祉
voiceyour opinion 表达你的意见

As a reminder, 提醒一句, (信的开头)
A quick reminder:快速提醒
aformidableteam 一个强大的团队
ever-escalatingtrade tensions不断升级的贸易紧张局势
As a Prime Member, youget exclusive access toPrime Music,an ad-free music streaming service,at no additional cost.作为Prime会员,您无需支付额外费用即可独享Prime音乐,这是一项无广告的音乐流媒体服务
there aredoor prizes入场奖
Prime provides anunparalleledcombination of shopping and entertainment benefits
Prime 提供无与伦比的购物和娱乐优惠组合
These changes are nowviewable这些更改现在可以查看
Don’tmiss outon this great opportunity toenhanceyour MATLAB knowledge and skills. 不要错过这个提高你的MATLAB知识和技能的好机会
atyour own pace 按照你自己的步调
This might be of interest to students, 这可能会引起学生的兴趣