1. Happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm幸福好简单,就在你手心上
Happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm,a match a hand can grasp;Happiness is also very difficult, before your heel, A thousand mountains and rivers but blunder away because of Doing not turn a head
幸福好简单,就在你手心上,一合手就能握住;幸福又好难,就在你脚跟前, 千山万水却因没有转头而错失
In others’ eyes, you are always “the funny one” and became loud and overconfident to mask what I was actually feeling, but few people know about the way you felt.
I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself and actually want to change. I am an incredibly lucky person who have come from a family who love and support my whole life.
The important thing to remember is that our problems aren’t what define us. What defines us is how we deal with what has happened to us; how we change the way we think about it.
The greatest gifts in life are not purchased but acquired through hard work and determination. 生命中最珍贵的礼物不是花钱买来的,而是通过努力和决心而获取的。
You are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.
你能够让美好的梦想变成现实。 Give your hopes everything you’ve got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny.
词汇: simple [ˈsɪmpəl] 简单的;单纯的 grasp [ɡrɑːsp] 抓住;控制
actually [ˈæktʃʊəlɪ] 实际上 overconfident [ˌəʊvəˈkɒnfɪdənt] 过于自信的,自负的
2. Life's true meaning 生命的真正意义
The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile,that costs the least and does the most,is just a pleasant smile.
There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile;It always has the same good luck;It's never out of style;It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;
The best part of being mature is that you no longer like the things that you used to really want. 成熟最大的好处是:以前得不到的,现在不想要了。
The minute you think of giving up,think of reason why you held on so long.
Precious things are very few in this world.That is the reason there is just one you.
Promise more,if do not make it,it has only been a lie.
3. 人生莫待绽放 Don t Wait for Life to Start
There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them. ~Denis Waitley
Many people are constantly waiting for their life to start. When I m older I ll do this and In a few years I ll do that. They think the life they are experiencing is boring and meaningless.
很多人都在等待自己生命的新起点,总说 等我长大一点,我会做这个 又或者 几年后,我要做那个 。他们觉得现在的生活很乏味无趣。
Who has never viewed himself/herself as worthless and unattractive?
In others eyes, you are always the funny one and became loud and overconfident to mask what I was actually feeling, but few people know about the way you felt.
在别人的眼中,你可能是一个 很有趣的人 。你用大声喧嚣和过度的自信来掩盖自己真正的想法,以致身边的人都看不透你。
All of us may suffer with depression and frustration, lose guidance and support, need aids physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
Just think like this way:
This too shall pass.
Horrible feelings I am feeling will eventually go away.
I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself and actually want to change. I am an incredibly lucky person who have come from a family who love and support my whole life.
I had to be the one to make the decision to change my way of thinking.
All the good things and all the wonderful people in my life would pass eventually too. While I am feeling miserable, my life is still going on and I am missing out on appreciating those precious moments.
We all have horrible things happen to us that will affect each of us differently.
The important thing to remember is that our problems aren t what define us. What defines us is how we deal with what has happened to us; how we change the way we think about it.
We can either let it become us or we can use our new found wisdom to change the little bit of world around us all.
There s something much bigger than us and our problems. It is always important to remember that there is always someone who is in a position much worse than our own.
Nevertheless, I am well on the way to becoming the person I want to be and I have goals and expectations of myself. I am now aware that my life has started.
It started years ago and it s not nearly over yet. It s happening right now. Yours is too.
4. Home 家
What makes a home? Love and sympathy and confidence.
It is a place where kindly affections exist among all the members of the family. The parents take good care of their children, and the children are interested in the activities of their parents. Thus all of them are bound together by affection, and they find their home to be the cheeriest place in the world.
A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. Every civilized person is a social being.No one should live alone. A man may lead a successful and prosperous life,but prosperity alone can by no means insure happiness.
Many great personages in the world history had deep affections for their homes. Your home may be poor and humble, but your duty lies there. You should try to make it cheerful and comfortable. The greater the difficulties, the richer will be your reward. A home is more than a family dwelling. It is a school in which people are trained for citizenship. A man will not render good service to his country if he can do nothing good for his home; for in proportion as he loves his home, will he love his country. The home is the birthplace of true patriotism. It is the secret of social welfare and national greatness. It is the basis and origin of civilization.