1. 实物呈现。
如指着一本书说:This is a book. 并将book一词写在黑板上。 图片呈现。如指着一张救护车的图片说:This is an ambulance. 并将ambulance一词写在黑板上。
2. 动作呈现。如用一只手的食指和拇指做一个小圈,说small;用双手环抱大物状,说big,并将这两个词写在黑板上。
3. 表情呈现。如面部呈微笑状,说:I'm happy. 并板书happy一词。
4. 情景呈现。如上体育课的学生的打闹声干扰了正在上课的学生,老师可以指着教室外并捂着耳朵说:These children are too noisy. 板书noisy,然后将教师门关上。
5. 反义词呈现。如板书relaxed一词,并说:I'm not nervous at all. I'm relaxed.
6. 定义呈现。如板书regulation一词,并解释:A regulation is an official rule or order.
7. 例子呈现。如板书building一词,并说:A house is a building. A hotel is a building. A church is a building.
8. 描述呈现。如板书ambulance一词,说:An ambulance is like a car or a bus. It takes sick people to the hospital. Usually there are doctors or nurses on an ambulance. If you call 120, an ambulance will come at once.
9. 上下文呈现。如将run out of sth. 置于以下这段话中让学生推测其意思:My car ran out of oil, and there was no gas station nearby. I had to walk. When I finally got to my office, it was 9:30. I was 45 minutes late. My boss was really angry.
10. 相关信息呈现。如板书nightclub一词,然后呈现相关信息:A nightclub is about night, people, food, drink, dancing, and show.
11. 翻译呈现。如板书computer一词,并将其中文意思写在一旁。