--- lesson11 COMPLAINTS 抱怨
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
I just want to get this mess straightened out.^我想整理一下这乱糟糟的一团。
I hate this weather.^我讨厌这天气。
It’s sucked.^糟透了。
I have had it up to here with this guy.^我受够这个家伙了。
I’ve got a real problem with one of my co-workers.^我有个同事真让我受不了。
This is awful.^这太糟糕了。
I can’t stand this.^我忍受不了这个。
I’m going to complain about this.^我想对此进行抱怨。
I’m fed up with your behavior.^你的行为让我受够了。
I’ve had it up to here with you.^我受够你了。
This is intolerable.^这无法容忍。
I will not accept this situation.^我对此不能容忍。
I will not stand for this.^我对此无法容忍。
I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.^我将向他抱怨一番。
I want to make a complaint.^我想抱怨一番。
--- lesson12 INVITATIONS 邀请
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
Let’s get out of here.^我们走吧。
Do you want to come?^你想来吗?
Thanks for the invitation.^感谢你的邀请。
I was going to invite you in for some coffee.^我想请你进来喝点咖啡。
I’m like to invite you to a match.^我想请你去看一场比赛。
Do you want to get some lunch?^你想吃午饭吗?
Why don’t you come over later?^你呆会儿过来怎么样?
Are you free tonight?^你今晚有空吗?
What are you doing later?^你呆会儿干什么?
Let’s meet later.^回头见。
Come see me sometime.^有空来看我。
Give me a call the next time you’re in town.^你下次再来的时候给我打个电话。
I’m like to see you again.^我希望再见到你。
Would you like to get dinner sometime?^你想去吃晚饭吗?
When can I see you again?^我什么时候能再见到你?
--- lesson13 REQUESTS 要求
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
I keep asking her to turn down her music.^我一直叫她把音乐关小声点。
It’s a small request.^这是个很小的请求。
She has to turn it down.^她必须关小些。
I’m just requesting that you keep him in your yard.^我只是要求你让他呆在你的院子里。
I need to borrow your computer.^我需要借用一下你的电脑。
Can I see that book?^我可以看看那本书吗?
Could you move over a little bit?^你能挪一下吗?
You’re requested to be in court next week.^要求你下星期到庭。
My request for a raise was rejected.^我加薪的请求被拒绝了。
Can I make one small request?^我能提一个小小的要求吗?
That’s a pretty big request.^那是个很大的请求。
Why don’t you just request some help at work?^你为什么不要求一些工作上的帮助呢? This is one of the most requested songs on the radio.^这是收音机里点唱率最高的歌曲之一。 Could you give me a hand with this box?^你能帮我搬搬这箱子吗?
Would you mind being a little bit quieter?^你能安静一点吗?
--- lesson14 PLANS AND DECISIONS计划和决定
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
I’ll keep thinking about it.^我会再考虑的。
We may just have to share my car for a while.^一段时间里,也许我们不得不共用我的车。
We need to start a college fund for Tyler.^我们必须为泰勒设立一个大学基金。
Do you know what you’re doing after graduation?^你知道你毕业后做什么吗?
I haven’t made up my mind yet.^我还没有决定。
I’ll let you know what I decide.^我会让你知道我的决定的。
I have to make a difficult choice.^我必须做一个艰难的选择。
Decide quickly.^迅速决定。
I hadn’t anticipated that.^我没有意料到那个。
What do you plan to do about this mess?^面对这一团糟,你打算怎么办?
The disaster was a result of poor planning.^这次灾难是由于计划不周导致的。
I plan to take the next train out of here.^我打算坐下一班火车离开这里。
I intend to buy a new house.^我打算买一套新房子。
I had only the best intentions.^我是出于好意。
Everything is going according to plan.^一切都照计划进行着。
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
To be honest,I’m not certain.^老实说,我不能肯定。
I couldn’t say for sure.^我不能肯定。
I couldn’t say for definite.^我没有百分之百的把握。
I couldn’t say absolutely.^我不能说是绝对的。
I’m positive that he did it.^我肯定是他做的。
I’m certain of it.^我对此肯定。
I’m not sure that’s a good idea.^我不能肯定那是个好主意。
I can’t be certain of what time I left the office.^我不能肯定我是什么时候离开办公室的。
I’ve no idea where my shoes are.^我不知道我的鞋子在哪。
I’m not certain if he’s telling the truth.^我不能肯定他是否在说真话。
Are you certain this is what you want to do?^你能肯定这是你想做的吗?
I swear this is the truth.^我发誓这是真的。
I have no doubt about how I feel.^我对我的感觉深信不移。
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
I don’t think our taxes get anything good for us.^我认为税收对我们没有任何好处。
I disagree completely.^我完全不同意。
Maybe you’re right.^也许你是对的。
I think that’s a good idea.^我想那是个好主意。
I’m glad we see eye to eye.^很高兴我们的看法一致。
I couldn’t agree with you more.^我非常同意你的看法。
I have to disagree with you on this.^在这件事情上我不同意你的看法。
That’s what I was thinking.^那就是我的想法。
You are exactly right.^你对极了。
That’s for sure.^那是肯定的。
I’m say that was true.^我肯定那是对的。
Don’t you agree?^难道你不同意吗?
I’ll go along with that.^我同意那一点。
I’ll go along with you on this one.^在这一点上我同意你的看法。
I’m not sure I agree with you.^我不能肯定我同意你的意见。
--- lesson17 BELIEF AND DISBELIEF相信和不相信
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
Do your kids still believe in Santa Claus?^你的孩子还相信有圣诞老人吗?
How come you never believe me?^你怎么从来都不相信我?
I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that without more taxes.^我确信他会找到一种无需交更多税收去做那件事的方法。
I can’t believe it.^我简直不能相信。
They believed that certain gods caused things in nature.^他们相信自然界的事物是由某些神引起的。
I have faith in the government.^我对政府有信心。
I believe that I can do anything if I try hard enough.^我相信如果我足够尽力去做的话,我能做任何事情。
I don’t believe you.^我不相信你。
Do you believe in anything?^你有什么信仰吗?
I have no choice but to believe what you’re saying.^我除了相信你的话,别无选择。
Have you questioned your beliefs?^你对你的信仰质疑过吗?
I can’t believe you’ve said that.^我不能相信你竟说出那样的话。
I’m convinced by his words.^我被他的话说服了。
I believe he can be trusted.^我相信他是可信的。
I’ll take your word for it.^我相信你。
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
You did a good job.^你干得漂亮。
Most of that was luck.^那大部分靠运气。
You have really good taste.^你真的很有品位。
I am so jealous of you.^我真羡慕你。
That’s a nice car you have there.^你那辆车真漂亮。
You’re looking good.^你看起来很不错。
That shirt really becomes you.^那件衬衫真的很适合你。
You have excellent manners.^你很有风度。
I salute your efforts.^我对你的努力表示敬佩。
You’re the best in the business.^你是这行业里最好的。
You’re the envy of the town.^你是众人羡慕的焦点。
You look good in red.^你穿红色很好看。
You’ve done a good job with this house.^这房子你布置得不错。
Keep up the good work.^干得好,保持下去。
I love the way you make me laugh.^我喜欢你逗我笑。
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
Don’t worry about it.^别担心。
That’s what counts.^那才是重要的。
That makes me feel a little better.^那使我感觉稍微好些。
Look at the bright side.^看看光明的一面。
That’s understandable.^那可以理解。
Don’t let it get you down.^别为此气馁。
Things will get better.^事情会好转的。
Just keep trying.^继续尝试/别就此放弃。
Don’t give up.^别放弃。
We all have bad days sometimes.^我们都会有不顺利的时候。
I know how you feel.^我知道你的感受。
I’m here for you.^有什么要帮忙的,我就在你身边。
It’s okay.^没问题。
It’s not your fault.^不是你的错。
No one blames you.^没有人责怪你。
--- Basic Patterns 基本句型
There’s a sign outside the gate that reads “NO TRESPASSING”.^门外有牌子,上面写着“禁止入内”。
Not here.^在这不行。
I don’t think you should do that.^我认为你不应该那样做。
They can’t stop me from smoking.^他们不能阻止我抽烟。
You can’t go there.^你不能去那儿。
That’s forbidden.^那是被禁止的。
I’m warning you.^我在警告你。
No one is allowed to go in there.^谁也不允许进那儿。
It is forbidden to do that.^不允许那样做。