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      很多情景都是在我们日常生活中所发生的,今天听力课堂小编就给 大家分享一下英语口语,有需要的要收藏起来吧!


      Tom:Hi, Ann.

      Ann:Hi. You look excited. What’s happening

      Tom:I just heard that our school will hold a singing contest in 5 days.

      Ann:And you’re planning to enter

      Tom:Of course. This is a great chance for me to show off my beautiful voice. Ann:Is there a prize

      Tom:I heard that the winner gets a Panda Radio.

      Ann:Do you think you have a chance

      Tom:A chance Not just a chance, I’m a hundred percent certain. Everyone says my voice is beautiful.


      Tom:Sorry. I didn’t mean to be late. Can I come in

      Teacher:What’s your excuse this time

      Tom:Have I used the one that my sister is sick

      Teacher:Yes, twice last week.

      Tom:Are you sure I thought I said it was my mother.

      Teacher:I don’t think so. But it could’ve been.

      Tom:Well. You can trust me this time. My sister is definitely sick. I’m just coming from the hospital. They say she might even die.

      Teacher:I don’t buy your story. Try not to have any more sick relatives this week, all right Tom:I’ll do my best. Teacher:Just try to be a little more punctual in the future. Tom:I’m working on it. Really!








      A: I need help. I have a problem meeting new people. 我需要帮助。看见陌生人我会害怕。

      B: What"s wrong 说说看是怎么回事

      A: When I meet a pretty girl, I always shake and sweat. 当我看见漂亮女孩,我经常颤抖和出汗。

      B: Really Why are you so nervous真的吗那你为什么会这么紧张呢

      A: I"m not nervous, I feel pretty confident. They"re usually shaking and sweating also. 我不是紧张,我还觉得很自信呢,她们也经常颤抖和出汗啊。

      B: What Where are you meeting girls 什么你在哪儿见这些女孩

      A: At the gym, while exercising. 在体育馆,锻炼的时候。

      SHOW TIME TWO A: How about Tony"s pizza 我们去托尼比萨店怎么样 B: Oh, God, not there! 哦,天哪!不要去哪儿。

      A: Why not Their pizza is amazing! 为什么不他们店的比萨饼味道非常好!

      B: I used to date one of the waitresses there. 我曾经和那个店里一个女服务员约会过啊。

      A: Oh, that"s embarrassing! 哦,那好尴尬呀! SHOW TIME THREE

      A: I"m leaving my boyfriend for another guy. 我离开我的男友和另一个家伙跑了。

      B: I"m sorry to hear that.听到你这么说真遗憾。

      A: It"s not so bad, actually. 事实上,是一件好事。

      B: Really Why 真的吗为什么

      A: Because you are that other guy. 因为你就是那个人。 SHOW TIME FOUR A: Don"t feel bad, dear. I just can"t bear to see you cry. 别伤心了,亲爱的,我不忍心看你哭泣。

      B: Dad, how do you handle bad moods 爸爸,当你难过的时候你会做些什么呢 A: I usually drive to the seaside, and shout my heart out. What about you 我通常是开车去海边,把心理不舒服的都吼出来。那么你呢

      B: I just listen to some light music. 我就会听些轻松的音乐。


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