1.讲个(自己的)故事; To tell a story (about yourself).
2.对大家能够聚在一起表示感谢; To acknowledge the occasion of the gathering.
3.称赞一下听众; To pay the listeners a compliment.
4.引用名人名言; To quote
5.使用一些不平常的数据 ; To use unusual statistics.
6.问观众一个挑战性的问题; To ask the audience a challenging question;
7.播放录像带或看幻灯片; To show a video or a slide.
1.重复你的开头; To repeat your opening.
2.概括你的演讲; To summarize your presentation.
3.以趣事结尾 ; To close with an anecdote.
4.以号召行动结尾; To end with a call to action.
5.以反问结尾 ; To ask a rhetorical question.
6.以一个陈述句结尾; To make a statement.
7.展示演讲大纲; To show an outline of your presentation.
1.眼睛慢慢地从一个移动到另一个人,在每一个人身上停留两到三秒钟时间; Move your eyes slowly from person to person, and pause two or three seconds with each listener;
2.眼睛直视听众,或看着他们的鼻梁或下巴 ; Look at people straight or look at the bridge of their noses or chins;
3.找到那些看起来比较友善的听众,逐次朝他们微笑;然后目标转向那些有些怀疑的听众,也逐渐朝他们微笑; Look for the friendlier faces and smile at them one by one, then move on to the more skeptical members and smile at them one by one also;
4. 如果你感到紧张,不妨想象听众都穿着浴衣的样子; Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous.