Mistake 1:
Not understanding company culture and not knowing how to behave properly in the workplace. 不理解或者不适应公司文化,会大大阻碍你的成功!
Important tip: It's of critical importance to get to know your workplace culture. Every company has a particular set of rules that employees are expected to follow! These unspoken rules may break your career if you ignore them!
Mistake 2:
Lack of a work plan!Work without any strategy. 缺乏工作计划,不懂得如何规划自己!
Important tip: Developing an effective plan of action will keep you well organized. If you want to be successful in your career, you have to plan your work and work your plan! Planning helps crystallize your work objectives and avoids unnecessary pressures.
Mistake 3:
Forget how important your boss is!忘却你的顶头上司有多么重要。
Important tip: Don't forget how important it is to develop a good relationship with your boss. Remember to provide regular updates to keep your boss in the loop!
Mistake 4:
Rely on your boss or co-workers too much to get the job done! 事事都去征询老板的建议,或者同事的帮助,过分依赖他人!
Important tip: Please make sure to ask your boss or co-workers for advice after you've tried your best but still do not understand. Remember:do not rely too much on others in the workplace!
Mistake 5:
An occasional bit of gossip may relieve stress. Too much make you look bad. 偶尔八卦一下可以缓解压力,但说太多闲话则会给人留下不好的印象。
Important tip: Listen more than you talk. The easiest way to learn is through observation!
Mistake 6:
Regard all undisciplined spirits as the freedom. 将所有非纪律的行为视为自由。
Important tip: Never make any excuses for your laziness. You should believe that if you work hard and build something exceptional, people will take notice!You plant the seed today,and will reap the benefits tomorrow!
Mistake 7:
Neglect your personal brand!忽略个人品牌!
Important tip: To achieve your career success, you need to build a powerful brand. Your personal brand is vital to your success!