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      英语谚语 成功篇

      Success is the ability to live your life the way you want to live it, doing what you most enjoy, surrounded by people you admire and respect. In a larger sense, success is the ability to achieve your dreams, desires, hopes, wishes, and goals in each of the important areas of your life. 成功是一种能力,让你能够过自己向往的生活,做自己喜欢的事,与自己尊敬及喜爱的人在一起。从更广泛的意义上说,成功是在生活每一个重要的领域中达成梦想、渴望、希望,愿望和目标的能力。

      A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. 成功的人是能够拿别人扔过来的砖头为自己垒砌坚强地基的人。

      I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that’s why I succeed. 在我的生命中我一次又一次地失败,这就是我为什么成功的原因。

      Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. 成功很简单:在合适的时间用恰当的方式做正确的事。

      Failure is success if we learn from it. 如果能从失败中汲取教训,失败亦是成功。

      In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time. 为了成功你必须失败,这样你就知道下次哪些事不要去做。

      Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure. 挫败并不是最糟糕的失败,不去尝试才是真正的失败。

      In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.为了成功,你对成功的欲望必须超过你对失败的恐惧。

      Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders. 几乎在任何领域,成功更多是依靠精力和动力,而不是智力。这也就是为什么我们有那么多愚蠢的领导。

      英语谚语 励志

      1. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.


      2. Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.

      判定收获并不是每天都有产量 还要看你是否种下种子。

      3. The questions you ask determine the quality of your life.


      4.Change your thoughts and you change your world.


      5.Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

      幸福不是着眼于将来 而是现在为之奋斗的过程。

      6.It is by acts and not by ideas that people live.


      7.Nothing is impossible.


      8.Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

      每件小事都都尽力而为. 这就是成功的秘诀。

      英语谚语 科学经济类


      There is no resting place for an enterprise in a competitive economy. (Alfred P. Sloan, American businessman)

      在竞争的经济中,没有企业休息的地方。(美国实业家 A·P·斯隆)

      Experience is the mother of science.


      Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one’s living at it. (Albert Einstein, American Physical Scientist)

      不以科学为生,科学就是美好的。 (美国物理学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)

      Economy is of itself a great revenue.


      Gold will not buy anything.


      He who risks nothing gains nothing.


      Rivalry between scholars improves science.


      If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed. (Edmund Burke, Irish Politician)


      It is easier to get money than to keep it.


      It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.


      It is the task of civilization to raise every citizen above want.


      Necessity is the mother of invention.


      One hour today is worth two tomorrow.


      Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. (Emerson, American thinker)


      Prudence requires that we shall pitch our scale of living a degree below our means, rather than up to them.


      Science and technology constitute the primary productive force.


      Science is organized knowledge. (Spenser)


      Science is truth, for it is most particular about practicality. Any disguised or fake things will show their true feathers when they are put to the test in the laboratory.


      Science possesses not only truth, but also supreme beauty.


      英语谚语 关于友谊

      Set great store by friendship. 情意重千斤。

      Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。

      Old friends and old wine are best. 陈酒味醇, 老友情深。

      The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water. 君子之交淡如水。

      A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。

      Most men's friendships are too inarticulate. 人的友谊是无法言喻的。

      Friendship is like a plant of slow growth. 友谊像生长着的植物, 是慢慢地建立起来的。

      A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 好书如挚友, 情谊永不渝。

      A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. 路遥知马力, 日久见人心。

      I like a simple friend, who holds my faults like a looking glass before my face.

      我喜欢这样的朋友, 他对我的缺点就像照镜子一样直言不讳。

      It is well that there is no one without a fault, for he would not have a friend in the world .

      世界上没有不犯错误的人. 想交没有错误的朋友, 你就没有朋友。

      It is only the greathearted who can be true friends; the mean and the cowardly can never know what true friendship is. 只有伟大胸怀的人才是真正的朋友; 平庸和怯懦之辈决不可能了解真正友谊的含义。

      No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy.


      Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. 远方的朋友能使世界变得非常宽阔; 他们组成了经纬度。

      Of our mixed life two quests are given control: food for the body, friendship for the soul. 在复杂的生命中, 有两点要牢记:为生存需要吃饭, 而心灵需要友谊。

      The best that we find in our travel is an honest friend. He is a fortunate voyager who finds many.


      The making of friends who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life.


      The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them. 对朋友爱得越深, 奉承得就越少。

      The smell of coin is often the knell of friendship. 铜臭味浓往往是友谊的不祥之兆。

      The true friendship seeks to give, not take; to help, not to be helped; to minister, not to be ministered unto.

      真正的友谊追求的是给予, 而不是索取; 是帮助别人, 而不是被人帮助; 是为人服务, 而不是被人服务。

      To prepare a friend, three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维护朋友, 有三件事情要做到:当面要尊重他, 不在场时要表扬他, 苦难时要帮助他。

      Choose thy friends like thy books, few but choice. 选择朋友要像选书那样, 数量要少, 但质量要精。

      My friend is not perfect—nor am I—and so we suit each other admirably.


      For a congenial friend a thousand toasts are too few; in a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。
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