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    What strange connotations the eggplant has inspired! A Lebanese eggplant recipe is called baba ganousb, which means "spoiled old daddy." Eggplant is also one of the ingredients in a Turkish recipe called imam bayaldi. Translated, this means "the priest has fainted."

    茄子这个词会令我们产生多么奇怪的联想!黎巴嫩有一道用茄子做的菜名叫baba ganousb,意思是“变质的老爸”。土耳其也有一道用茄子做的菜名叫 imam bayaldi,意思是“晕倒的牧师”。

    Eggplants originated in India and were introduced to Spain in the twelfth century by the Arabs. Before the fifteenth century, the vegetable was used only for decoration, as people believed it was poisonous. In Italy, where eggplant was suspected of causing insanity, it was called mala insana, "mad apple". Later, when people had begun eating the vegetable, Europeans called it the "apple of love", for it was believed to arouse passion.

    茄子原产于印度,十二世纪由阿拉伯人引入西班牙。15世纪之前,由于人们认为茄子有毒,所以它们仅仅被用来作装饰品。在意大利,人们曾怀疑茄子会让人精神错乱,于是把它叫做mala insana,也就是“疯狂的苹果”。之后,人们开始食用茄子的时候,欧洲人就把它们称作“苹果之爱”,因为人们觉得茄子可以引发激情。

    From apples we move to eggs. Why do we now call this large purple vegetable an eggplant?


    As with most vegetables, there are different types of eggplant. The edible part of one variety is small and white. It was named eggplant since it looked as if it were growing eggs. Once the name was established in the middle 1700s, it was also applied to the purple vatiety.



    Wouldn't you think that history would have recorded the name of the person who came up with something as terrific as the pretzel? But that's not what happened. All we know is that in 610 A.D. a monk in northern Italy first twisted the pretzel into its unusual shape. When children learned their prayers, he rewarded them with the bread shaped to represent the folded arms of children in prayer.


    The word pretzel comes either from the Latin pretiole, which means "little gift", or from the Italian bracciatelli, which means "small arms".


      上一篇:晚上十点吃饭,西班牙人的节奏 下一篇:悠然闲适尽在下午茶


