Want to Touch a Dog? In Malaysia, It’s a Delicate Subject
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — When he organized a get-together for dog lovers and their canine-averse neighbors, Syed Azmi Alhabshi thought he was doing a public service.
吉隆坡,马来西亚——赛义德·阿兹米·阿拉巴什(Syed Azmi Alhabshi)组织喜欢狗的人和他们讨厌狗的邻居们进行聚会,他觉得自己是在组织一场公益活动。
But after hundreds of people showed up to the event, billed as “I Want to Touch a Dog” on Facebook, and when pictures started circulating on the Internet of Muslim women in head scarves happily hugging dogs, Mr. Syed Azmi became an unwitting protagonist in the latest chapter of Malaysia’s culture wars.
In the week since the event, Mr. Syed Azmi, a pharmacist, has received more than 3,000 messages on his phone, many of them hateful and a dozen of them threatening physical harm. The police advised him to stay at home.
Malaysia’s Muslim leaders, who cite Islamic scriptures stating that dogs are unclean, lashed out at him in the news media. “I feel the anger, and it is real,” he said in an interview.
Over the past two weeks, Muslim leaders in Malaysia have denounced Halloween as a “planned attack” on Islam and Oktoberfest parties as a public vice “the same as mass-promoted adultery.”
The culture wars have waxed and waned in multicultural Malaysia in recent years as conservative Muslim groups have pushed back against what they describe as libidinous and ungodly Western influences in a country that has rapidly modernized and become more cosmopolitan.
The dispute over touching dogs has underlined the fault lines in what has increasingly become a country polarized between members of the Malay majority, who are overwhelmingly Muslim, and ethnic Chinese, Indians and other minorities, who are typically Christian, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist.
The dog controversy joins the decades-old disputes over the availability of pork, the imbibing of alcohol and the pressure on Muslim women to wear conservative clothing.
Although many Muslims in other countries do not view touching dogs as forbidden, conservative Islamic groups here say the Shafie school of Islamic jurisprudence that they follow views dogs as unclean and requires the faithful to undergo a ritualistic wash if they come into contact with canines.
虽然其他国家的很多穆斯林并不把摸狗视为禁忌,但是马来西亚的保守伊斯兰团体称,他们追随的伊斯兰法系沙菲派(Shafie school)认为狗不干净,要求信徒与犬类接触后进行仪式清洗。
The Malaysian authorities described the “I Want to Touch a Dog” event as an offense to Islam. Othman Mustapha, the director general of the federal Islamic Development Department, which has the official mission of protecting the “purity of faith,” said the event was a challenge to the authority of religious leaders.
马来西亚当局把“我想摸狗”活动称为对伊斯兰教的冒犯。马来西亚联邦伊斯兰发展局(Islamic Development Department)局长奥斯曼·穆斯塔法(Othman Mustapha)说,这个活动是对宗教领袖权威的挑战。该局的官方使命是保护“信仰的纯洁性”。
The religious authorities in Malaysia have the power to crack down on practices they view as going against Islam, but Muslim law is selectively enforced and highly politicized. Many Malaysian Muslims own dogs, drink alcohol in public and have very westernized lifestyles.
Criticism of the dog event has led to a backlash by a small but vocal group of moderate Muslims in the country who view the strictures of the religious authorities as oppressive.
“All we are getting these days is how to hate an ever-growing list of people and things,” Marina Mahathir, the daughter of a former prime minister and a leading liberal voice, wrote in a newspaper column published last week. “How much energy are we to spend on hate? And how does hating anything and everything make us happy and better Muslims?”
“如今我们听到的都是如何去憎恨越来越多的人和事,”前总理的女儿、自由主义倡导者玛丽娜·马哈迪(Marina Mahathir)上周在报纸专栏上写道,“我们还要在仇恨上花多少精力?仇恨一切怎么可能让我们变成快乐的、更好的穆斯林?”
Mr. Syed Azmi, the pharmacist, said he thought he had his bases covered. Before the event, he contacted and received acknowledgment from the state religious authorities.