根据道教所言,农历正月的第15天又称“上元”",英文为“Official of Heaven",所以元宵节(Lantern Festival)又称“上元节”。
约会 Finding love
Some have dug into the festival' s origin and found that it was truly a romantic day as ancient Chinese girls grew up at home and hardly had chance to go outside to meet people. But the Lantern Festival was an exception. On that particular day, young women were allowed to go outdoors at night to see the lantern displays, offering them an opportunity to meet young men.
迎厕姑(卜紫姑) Sciomancy/Planchette writting
打十番(Playing drums)
又称打锣鼓。大家子弟7-10人成组,每人配备乐器一件敲至天明(唱打交融 "drum-beating" and "dialectal singing")。
请春酒(Spring wine)
南京旧时习俗。一桌新鲜蔬菜——多为刚发芽的农作物,招呼亲友品尝,为妇女老人庆祝,寓意祝福亲朋好友健康长寿,还有“天人合一”(Harmony of Man with Nature)的意思。