A photograph showing the inside of the Queen’s private sitting room at Windsor Castle recently Tweeted by Buckingham Palace on their social media account offers a rare glimpse into the monarch’s personal world.
It is, in her own words, ‘rather countrified’. But, as most would undoubtedly agree, it’s charming all the same.
Placed on a table next to her is a distinctive clunky Sky remote control, next to a rather older version used to operate her actual television.
Also on the glass-topped wooden table next to the Queen is what appears to be an ashtray orornament made out of a horseshoe –presumably one of sentimental value to her –and her glasses.
Underneath the table is, remarkably, a well-thumbed leather folder with the words Television and Radio Times emblazoned on the front in faded gold lettering. Presumably her staff insert a fresh copy of the listings magazine inside for her every week.
引人注目的是,桌子下面放着一个女王经常翻看的皮文件夹,封面上写着用金色字体纹饰的Television和Radio Times字样。可能是女王的员工每个礼拜把最新娱乐指南杂志的剪报放在里面。
The photograph were taken on Friday during an official visit by the New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key, who was in the country to watch his national team play in the Rugby World Cup Final.
Behind them is an antique writing desk, clearly used by the Queen for many decades.
On the left of it is a rather old fashioned red leather-bound calendar, displaying the month of October. Next to it are several antique glass inkwells, a brass dish and a number of elaborate letter openers.
As always, a photograph of the Queen’s late mother - Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother –has pride of place, as it does in most of her private apartments.
The desk also displays a variety of ornaments, including two soldier figurines and a glass elephant.
There is also a large china tea cup and saucer with a matching pot fashioned in the shape of a cabbageleaf. The cup is filled with fake fruit, possibly ceramic, and the pot has a Palm Sunday cross poking out of it.
The writing desk itself is topped with a glorious display of flowers including lilac roses, which she can expect to be changed each weekend.