Last year, 68,000 mixed couples registered for marriage, 4,000 more than in 2005.
"Frequent migration across borders, driven by the country's rapid economic growth, is a major reason behind the growing number ofmixed marriages," Xu said.
"Also, foreigners who are traveling to or are working in China are mostly at the typical age to marry."
这里的“mixed marriage”指的就是“跨国婚姻”。“Mixed”是“混合的”意思,“跨国婚姻”也就是两个不同国家、不同民族的人的联姻。常见的与“mixed”组成的合成词还有:“mixed blood”(混血儿)、“mixed economy”(混合经济)和“mixed salad”(什锦沙拉)。
此外,还可以用“interracial marriages” 来表示跨国婚姻。