62. mumble n.喃喃而语, 咕哝, 闭嘴细嚼 v.喃喃而语, 咕哝
63. relic n.遗物, 遗迹, 废墟, 纪念物
64. exhaust vt.用尽, 耗尽, 抽完, 使精疲力尽 vi.排气 n.排气, 排气装 adj.用不完的, 不会枯竭的
65. fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体, 一阵愤怒(或不安) v.用烟熏, 冒烟, 发怒
66. wayfarer n.旅客, 徒步旅行者 (同:hiker)
67. wont n.习惯, 惯常活动 adj.惯于, 常常 vi.习惯 vt.使习惯于
68. absolve v.宣布免除
69. umpire n.仲裁人, 裁判员 v.仲裁, 任裁判, 作裁判
70. contend v.(动词)
con.tend.ed, con.tend.ing, contends
(1)To strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle: 争斗:对抗性地或与困难相斗争;斗争:
armies contending for control of strategic territory; had to contend with long lines at theairport.军队为了控制战略领地而奋战;在机场必须忍受大排长龙
(2)To compete, as in a race; vie. 竞争,如在竞赛中;争夺
(3)To strive in controversy or debate; dispute.See Synonyms at discuss
(4)To maintain or assert: 主张或声称:
The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible. 被告方声称证据是不可接受的
71. deplore v.表示悲痛
72. fracture n.破裂, 骨折 v.(使)破碎, (使)破裂
73. pith n.(植物的)木髓, 骨髓, 重要部分, 核心, 意义, 精华, 精力 vt.除去木髓, 杀死
74. relish n.(名词)
(1)An appetite for something; a strong appreciation or liking: 胃口:对某事物的食欲,强烈的欣赏或者喜欢:
a relish for luxury.对奢侈品的爱好
(2)Hearty enjoyment; zest.See Synonyms at zest 诚恳的享乐;风味参见 zest
(3)Something that lends pleasure or zest. 独特的滋味:使人感到愉快或有风味的东西
(4)A spicy or savory condiment or appetizer, such as chutney or olives.
(5)A condiment of chopped sweet pickle. 切碎的甜泡菜做的调味品
(6)The flavor of a food, especially when appetizing.See Synonyms at taste
滋味:食物的味道,特别是促进食欲的味道参见 taste
(7)A trace or suggestion of a pleasurable quality. 滋味:令人愉快的微量或意味
rel.ished, rel.ish.ing, rel.ish.es
(1)To take keen or zestful pleasure in.See Synonyms at like 1 欣赏:从…中得到敏锐的热烈的
(2)To enjoy the flavor of. 品尝:品尝…的味道
(3)To give spice or flavor to.给…加佐料
(1)To have a pleasing or distinctive taste. 有滋味:有令人愉快的或特定的味道
75. whip n.鞭子, 车夫 v.鞭打, 抽打, 突然移动
76. tidings n.消息
77. cumber v.tr.(及物动词)
cum.bered, cum.ber.ing, cum.bers
(1)To weigh down; burden: 压下;使挑重担:
was cumbered with many duties. 肩负许多重任
(2)To hamper or hinder, as by being in the way: 妨碍,阻碍:妨碍或阻碍,如挡在路上:
was cumbered with a long poncho. 披风过长行动就会不便
(3)To litter; clutter up: 使凌乱;使塞满:
Weeds cumbered the garden paths. 花园小径上到处都是杂草。
(4)Archaic To bother; distress. 【古语】 使烦恼;折磨
A hindrance; an encumbrance. 妨碍;累赘
78. reproach v.责备
79. decree n.法令, 政令, 教令, 天命, 判决 v.颁布
80. frolic n.嬉闹 vi.嬉戏 adj.嬉戏的, 欢乐的