202. stab n.刺, 刺伤的伤口, 一阵突然而强烈的感觉, 中伤, 伤痛 v.剌, 刺伤, 伤害(感情等)
203. botch
botched, botch.ing, botch.es
(1)To ruin through clumsiness. 笨手笨脚:做得拙劣而毁坏
(2)To make or perform clumsily; bungle. 表现拙劣:做得或表现得拙劣;搞得一团糟
(3)To repair or mend clumsily. 修补得不好
(1)A ruined or defective piece of work: 笨手笨脚的工作:一件搞糟或粗劣的工作:
“I have made a miserable botch of this description”(Nathaniel Hawthorne) “我这段描写简直搞得糟透了”(纳撒尼尔·霍索恩)
(2)A hodgepodge. 大杂烩
204. chafe v.(将皮肤等)擦热, 擦破, 使恼火
205. dissipate v.驱散, (使)(云、雾、疑虑等)消散, 浪费(金钱或时间)
206. efface v.抹掉
207. glint n.闪烁
208. onerous adj.繁重的, 费力的, 负有法律责任的
209. iterate vt.反复说, 重申, 重述
210. propensity n.倾向
211. singe v.烧焦, 烤焦
212. unravel v.拆开
213. bellow v.(牛, 象等)吼叫, 怒吼, 咆哮
214. cloak n.斗蓬, 宽大外衣, 掩护 vt.用外衣遮蔽, 披斗篷
215. ministry
【复数】 ministries
(1)The act of serving; ministration. 服务:服务的行为;照料
(2)One that serves as a means; an instrumentality. 工具:充当工具的东西;工具
(3)The profession, duties, and services of a minister. 牧师职务:牧师的职业、职务和服务
The Christian clergy.(全体)牧师:基督教牧师
(4)The period of service of a minister. 牧师任期:充当牧师的时限
(5)A governmental department presided over by a minister. 部:由部长主持工作的一个政府部门
(6)The building in which such a department is housed. 部办公大楼:部办公所在地
(7)The duties, functions, or term of a governmental minister. 一名政府部长的职责、功能或任期
(8)Often Ministry Governmental ministers considered as a group. 常作 Ministry 内阁阁员的总称
216. devout adj.虔敬的, 诚恳的
217. guise n.外观, 姿态, 装束, 伪装 v.伪装
218. latent adj.潜在的, 潜伏的, 隐藏的 n.隐约的指印
219. pawn n.典当, 抵押物, 人质, (象棋)兵、卒, 爪牙, 被人利用的人 vt.当掉, 以...担保
220. sequel n.结局