Perceptual 知觉的;感知的
原文:In the study of perceptual abilities of infants, a number of techniques are used to determine infants' responses to various stimuli. 在对婴儿感知能力的研究中,许多技术被应用于确定婴儿对不同刺激的反应。
The confusion seems to be conceptual, not perceptual. 婴儿面对的问题似乎是概念的,而不是知觉的。
Sketch expression is both perceptual and rational. 素描表现既是感性的也是理性的。
Stimuli 刺激;刺激物
原文:In the study of perceptual abilities of infants, a number of techniques are used to determine infants' responses to various stimuli. 在对婴儿感知能力的研究中,许多技术被应用于确定婴儿对不同刺激的反应。
My sweat glands also respond to emotional stimuli. 我的汗腺对情绪刺激也能产生反应。
Does the child respond to auditory stimuli? 那孩子对声音有反应吗?
Questionnaire 问卷;调查表
原文:Because they cannot verbalize or fill out questionnaires, indirect techniques of naturalistic observation are used as the primary means of determining what infants can see, hear, feel, and so forth. 由于他们(婴儿)无法用言语表达或者填写问卷,所以自然观察的非直接性技术被应用于确定婴儿看,听,感知等的要表达的本意。
Head teachers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire. 校长们将被要求完成一份问卷调查。
Use a questionnaire to survey find out about attitudes to smoking. 使用问卷方式调查对吸烟的意见。
To complete a questionnaire 填好问卷
原文:Because they cannot verbalize or fill out questionnaires, indirect techniques of naturalistic observation are used as the primary means of determining what infants can see, hear, feel, and so forth. 由于他们(婴儿)无法用言语表达或者填写问卷,所以自然观察的非直接性技术被应用于确定婴儿看,听,感知等的要表达的本意。
I find it difficult to verbalize. 我感到难以用言语表达。
This depressed patient does not verbalize. 这位情绪低落的病人不爱说话。
Neonate 婴儿
原文:For example, if a uniformly moving pattern of some sort is passed across the visual field of a neonate (newborn), repetitive following movements of the eye occur. 比如说,如果一个移动的物体的通过新生儿的视线『即重复移动眼睛进行跟随发生的话』。
Postnatal appearance of the neonate 新生儿的产后表现
Fetal distress in related closely to neonate asphyxia. 胎儿窘迫与新生儿窒息密切相关。(Fetal distress胎儿窘迫)
Diffuse 散开;弥漫
原文:Often the rapid and diffuse movements of the infant make it difficult to get an accurate record of the number of responses. 婴儿的很多反应是发生的在很短的时间内以至于研究人员很难准确记录。
The roses diffuse the scent to the air miles around. 玫瑰花的香味儿弥漫在几英里的空气中。
The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy. 问题在于如何将权利分散而不造成无政府状态。
Potent 有效的;强有力的
原文:The third, and most potent, limitation is that it is not possible to be certain that the infant's response was due to the stimulus presented or to a change from no stimulus to a stimulus. 第三点也是最重要的一点,不可能非常明确的说婴儿的反应是由现存的刺激或者后产生的刺激所导致的。
I was convinced by his potent arguments. 他那有力的论据把我说服了。
We must take account of his potent influence. 我们必须考虑到他的强有力的影响。
原文:They devised an apparatus that connected a baby's pacifier to a counting device. 他们设计出了一个连接着仪表的婴儿奶嘴。
The baby was biting at the pacifier. 那个婴儿正朝着奶嘴咬去。
Suck 吮吸
原文:Film analysis of the infant's responses, heart and respiration rate monitors, and nonnutritive sucking devices are used as effective tools in understanding infant perception. 膜状婴儿反射分析,心脏和呼息频率的稳定性和奶嘴被作为高效的工具用于理解婴儿的感知能力。
She suck back the juice that was trying to escape. 她吸吮了快要流下来的汗水。
Bees suck honey from flowers. 蜜蜂从花中吸吮了蜜汁。
Habituation 适应;习惯性
原文:The first is the habituation-dishabituation technique. 第一个就是习惯非习惯性技术。
Excellence is won by habituation. 让优秀成为一种习惯。
How to prevent from hypnotizing the medicine habituation? 如何预防催眠药物成瘾?
Olfactory 嗅觉的
原文:The habituation-dishabituation paradigm has been used most extensively with studies of auditory and olfactory perception in infants. 这种习惯于非习惯的实验被广泛应用与听觉与嗅觉的婴儿感知研究上。
It arouses their olfactory sense. 这唤起了他们的嗅觉。
Repellency is not confined to the olfactory senses. 防护性不知限于嗅觉器官。(Repellency抵抗性)
Paradigm 范例
原文:The habituation-dishabituation paradigm has been used most extensively with studies of auditory and olfactory perception in infants. 这种习惯于非习惯的实验被广泛应用与听觉与嗅觉的婴儿感知研究上。
He had become the paradigm of the successful man. 他已经成为成功人士的典范。
This episode may serve as a paradigm. 这一插曲可以充作典型例子。
Auditory 听觉的
原文:The habituation-dishabituation paradigm has been used most extensively with studies of auditory and olfactory perception in infants. 这种习惯于非习惯的实验被广泛应用与听觉与嗅觉的婴儿感知研究上。
Finally he overcame the auditory difficulties by three year’s efforts. 通过三年的努力,他最终克服了听觉中困难。
Does the child respond to auditory stimuli? 那孩子对声音有反应吗?
Preceding 在前的;前面的
原文:Each of the preceding techniques provides the researcher with evidence that the infant can detect or discriminate between stimuli. 以上所说的每一种技术都可以给研究者提供关于婴儿能够探知或区别刺激的依据。
The preface to this book is on the preceding page. 前边一页是这本书的序言。
Each generation surpasses the preceding one. 一代更比一代强。
Sophisticated 精致的;复杂的;有经验的
原文:Observational assessment techniques have become much more sophisticated, reducing the limitations just presented. 观察评估技术变得更加复杂,所受的限制也在减少。
This is a very sophisticated machine. 这是一台非常精密的机器。
Bob is a sophisticated world traveler. 鲍勃是一位老练的环球旅行家。
Discriminate 区别;辨别
原文:Each of the preceding techniques provides the researcher with evidence that the infant can detect or discriminate between stimuli. 以上所说的每一种技术都可以给研究者提供关于婴儿能够探知或区别刺激的依据。
How can he discriminate the real painting from the false one? 他怎么能把真画和假画分辨出来呢?
You must learn to discriminate between facts and opinions. 你必须学会把事实和看法区分出来。
Forth 向前;向外
原文:Because they cannot verbalize or fill out questionnaires, indirect techniques of naturalistic observation are used as the primary means of determining what infants can see, hear, feel, and so forth. 由于他们(婴儿)无法用言语表达或者填写问卷,所以自然观察的非直接性技术被应用于确定婴儿看,听,感知等的要表达的本意。
They set forth at dawn. 他们在黎明时出发。
He went forth upon a journey to far land. 他到一个很远的地方旅行。
So forth 等等