1、parental leave育婴假 参考例句:Fathers are encouraged to take up to two months paternity leave when their child is born.小孩出世后,政府鼓励父亲休两个月的育婴假。
2、maternity leave产假 参考例句:She is away on sick leave or on maternity leave. 她在休病假或休产假。
3、paternity leave陪产假 参考例句:Men have a few days to accompany maternity leave 男人有几天陪产假
4、paid family leave探亲假 参考例句:He gets home leave every two years. 他每两年有一次探亲假.
5、sick leave病假 参考例句:restitution of advance annual and sick leave 预支事假和病假扣还
6、annual leave年假 参考例句:28.2% had paid annual leave 28.2%有带薪年假;
7、casual leave事假 参考例句:restitution of advance annual and sick leave 预支事假和病假扣还
8、marital leave婚假 参考例句:Marrying leave and late marriage leave should be used in the year after marriage, or it will be regards as abandonment. 婚假和晚婚假应在结婚(后)的一年内使用完毕,否则视作放弃。