教程:雅思词汇  浏览:488  
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    小编寄语:在雅思的考试中,经常会出现中式英语的思维,这在雅思的考试中是一大弊端,为了避免出现这样的状况,平时的积累是必不可少的。为了帮助各位烤鸭们,小编为大家扒到了一些谚语,希望对烤鸭们的口语和作文会有帮助哦~A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush:(双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手)

    Having something that is certain is much better than taking a risk for more, because chances are you might lose everything.

    A Blessing In Disguise:(因祸得福)

    Something good that isn't recognized at first.

    A Chip On Your Shoulder:(爱找麻烦的人)

    Being upset for something that happened in the past.

    A Dime A Dozen:(不值钱的)

    Anything that is common and easy to get.

    A Doubting Thomas:(多疑的人)

    A skeptic who needs physical or personal evidence in order to believe something.

    A Drop in the Bucket:(沧海一粟)

    A very small part of something big or whole.

    A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted:(愚蠢的人有钱也留不住)

    It's easy for a foolish person to lose his/her money.

    A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand:(家不和,必自败)

    Everyone involved must unify and function together or it will not work out.

    A Leopard Can't Change His Spots:(本性难移)

    You cannot change who you are.

    A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned:(聚沙成塔)

    By not spending money, you are saving money (little by little).

    A Picture Paints a Thousand Words:(百闻不如一见)

    A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.

    A Piece of Cake:(小时一碟)

    A task that can be accomplished very easily.

    A Slap on the Wrist:(轻微的处罚)

    A very mild punishment.

    A Taste Of Your Own Medicine:(自讨苦吃)

    When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat others.

    Actions Speak Louder Than Words:(事实胜于雄辩)

    It's better to actually do something than just talk about it.

    Add Fuel To The Fire:(火上浇油)

    Whenever something is done to make a bad situation even worse than it is.

      上一篇:雅思词汇:out of 的短语 下一篇:雅思词汇:开车必知词汇


