圆脸 round face;
参考例句:His shaven head accentuates his large round face 光头使他的大圆脸更加突出
方脸 square face;
参考例句:The doctor straightens and turns: bushy hair, a heavy square face, a hard bigjaw 大夫挺直身子,转过身来: 浓密的沙色头发, 宽阔的方脸, 结实有力的大颚
长脸 long face;
参考例句: The man was tall, with a long, handsome face and dark hair 那人身材高大, 长脸黑发, 长得很漂亮
柳叶眉 arched eyebrows;
参考例句:Her brow looked like a leaf 她长着柳叶眉
杏核眼 almond-shaped eye;
肿泡眼 swollen-lidded eye;
参考例句:Crying only made her achy and puffy 她两眼哭得又疼又肿
蒜头鼻pug nose;
塌鼻子 flat nose;
参考例句: It's a funny flat nose 这是一个好笑的塌鼻子
樱桃嘴cherry lips
参考例句: I really like your peachy face, shiny eyes and cherry mouth 我真的喜欢你蜜桃般的脸, 羞答答的眼睛和樱桃般的嘴