1、have a hot temper 脾气很坏
参考例句:He had a terrible temper, and sometimes he would completely lose control 他的脾气很坏,有时会完全失控
2、a hot weekend destination 炙手可热的周末度假胜地
3、a hot tip for sth 有用的建议
参考例句:Give me some good advice 给我一些有用的建议
4、a hot topic 热门话题
参考例句:This has been the subject of intense scholarly debate 这一直是学术讨论的热门话题
5、be in the hot seat 承担责任
参考例句:He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father'smistakes 他得为他父亲的过错承担责任
6、in hot water with sb 有麻烦,陷入困境
参考例句:There's trouble brewing 要有麻烦了
7、a lot of hot air 一大堆空话
8、blow hot and cold 摇摆不定,喜怒无常
参考例句:Today on the streets of Montreal, opinion seems still to waver 今日在蒙特利尔的街头巷尾,人们的意见仍摇摆不定