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    spenser) extremely obvious; loudly
    offensive 极明显的;吵嚷的;刺眼的 caught in a blatant lie, the scoundrel
    had only one regret: he wished he had lied more subtly. 那无赖的弥天大谎被

    5. bowdlerize v. (the word immortalizes an english editor, dr. thomas
    bowdler, who produced a “family” edition (1818) of the works of
    shakespeare by removing every word or passage that offended his sense of
    propriety.) to expurgate 删节,删改 after the film editors had bowdlerized
    the language in the script, the motion picture’s rating was changed from
    “r” to “pg”. 电影编辑把剧本中的不妥部分删除后,该影片就由r级
    (parental guidance (suggested):宜在家长指导下观看的——译注)。

    6. boycott v. (the word comes from c.c. boycott, land agent ostracized by
    his neighbors during the land league agitation in ireland in 1880.) to
    refrain from buying or using 拒绝购买(或使用);抵制 to put pressure on
    grape growers to stop using pesticides that harmed the farm workers’
    health, cesar chavez called for consumers to boycott grapes. 为了给葡萄种植
    购买葡萄。 also n.

    7. braggadocio n. (braggadochio is a boastful character in edmund
    spenser’s poem the faerie queen《仙后》.) boasting 自夸,吹牛 he was
    disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio. 因为他总是自吹
    cf braggart n. boaster 自吹者,吹牛者 modest by nature, she was no
    braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves. 她天

    8. chauvinist n. (after nicholas chauvin, a devoted soldier and
    overzealous supporter of `napoleon bonaparte) blindly devoted patriot;
    zealous adherent of a group or cause 盲目的爱国主义者(一般译为:沙文主义
    者);(某集团或事业的)狂热的信徒 a chauvinist cannot recognize his faults
    in his country, no matter how flagrant they may be. likewise, a male
    chauvinist cannot recognize how biased he is in favor of his own sex, no
    matter how flagrant that bias may be. 无论自己国家中的缺点有多么明显,沙文

    9. chimerical adj. (in greek mythology chimera (客迈拉) was a fire-
    breathing monster, usually represented as having a lion’s head, a goat’s
    body, and a serpent’s tail.) fantastically improbable; highly
    unrealistic; imaginative 异想天开的;空想的;幻想的 as everyone expected,
    ted’s chimerical scheme to make a fortune by raising ermines in his
    backyard proved a dismal failure. 不出大家所料,泰德想在后院饲养白鼬来发财
    的荒诞不经的计划以惨败告终。 chimera n.

    10. chortle v. (coined by lewis carroll, in through the looking glass(《镜
    中世界》), prob. chuckle + snort) to chuckle with delight 咯咯地欢笑 when
    she heard that her rival had just been jailed for embezzlement, she
    chortled with joy. she was not a nice lady. 当她听说对手因贪污而被监禁时,

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