教程:GRE词汇  浏览:279  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
      gullible: 易受骗的; easily duped , fooled or cheated

      1) easily deceived

      2) adj. 易受骗的,易被利用的: easily duped or cheated, readily taken advantage of

      3) easily tricked because of being too trusting

      Synonyms: naive, trusting; dewy-eyed, exploitable, naive, susceptible, unwary, wide-eyed "

      gullible <> skeptical, suspicious ;

      1. I hope that you are not so gullible as to believe a single word of his tall tales.

      2. Gullible people are vulnerable to practical jokes.

      3. They sell overpriced souvenirs to gullible tourists.

      credulities : gullible = Obstinate(???) : pretentious

      gullible : trust = mawkish : sentimentality

      believe : gullible = discern : acute (A << B)

      gullible : chicanery = servile : domination

      receptive : gullible = PATRIOTIC: CHAUVINISTIC )

      上一篇:GRE重点词汇解析:laconic 下一篇:GRE提升词汇量保证深度记忆效果方法汇总介绍

