教程:托业词汇  浏览:912  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    91.  当形容词用的现在分词Ving有主动正在令人…...的意思。
     当形容词用的过去分词 pp. 有被动、已经、感到……的意思。
      * 我不会照顾正在哭的婴儿。  I can’t take care of a crying baby.   ß 主动正在哭的
    我父亲是一位退休的将军。  My father is a retired general.       ß 已经退休的
    这是一项令人振奋的消息。  This is a piece of exciting news.      ß 令人振奋的
    激动的暴民纵火烧大楼。    The excited mob set fire to the building. ß 感到激动的
        口语英文比较难。          Spoken English is more difficult   ß被说的
    92.  1.        n. + 形容词子句
        可改成 n. + Ving词组       ß子句中动词为主动

     2.        n. + 形容词子句
        可改成 n. + pp.词组        ß子句中动词为被动
      * 那本属于他的书不见了。            * 藏在书里的邮票不见了。
     The book which belongs to him is lost.    The stamp which is hidden in the book is gone.
    = The book belonging to him is lost.      = The stamp hidden in the book is gone.
    93.  S + 来往站坐V + 分词       ß 分词当主词补语用
      * 他跑着来。                           他们锻羽而归。 
        He came running.                       They returned defeated.
     S +
     + O. +  原形V    ß 一般主动
     Ving      ß 强调正在进行的主动
     pp.       ß 被动
      * 我看见他走进了医院。         * 他走进医院的时候被我看到。
    I saw him enter the hospital.        I saw him entering the hospital.
      * 我看见他被送进了医院。         我把我的作文拿去给老师改。
    I saw him sent to hospital.          I had my composition corrected by our teacher.
      * 我叫他去做。   I have him do it. = I make him do it.
      = I get him to do it.  ßget人+ to V是超级大例外
    95.  find
     leave  +  O. +
     Ving    ß主动
     pp.     ß被动
      * 他发现狗被杀了。  He found his dog killed.
        很抱歉让你久等了。  I’m sorry I have kept you waiting so long.
    96. 分词构句:
      副词子句, S + V.
    = 分词构句, S + V.       ß主动用Ving, 被动用pp.
      * 看到电动玩具时,他高兴得叫了起来。
     When he saw the video machine, he exclaimed with joy.
    = (When) Seeing the video machine, he exclaimed with joy. ß意思清楚时,连接词可省。
      * 虽然旅馆客满,我们还是设法弄到一个房间。
         Though the hotel was crowded, we managed to find a room.
    The hotel crowded, we managed to find a room.   ß两句主词不同时,主词还是留下。
    97. 分词构句表「接续动作」的变化句型
      S + V and S + V.  
    = S + V, 分词构句,      ß主动用Ving, 被动用pp.
      * 她吓呆了,都不知道该怎么办。
     She stood amazed, and (she) did not know what to do.
    = She stood amazed, not knowing what to do.
    98.  分词构句表「附带状况」的变化句型
      S1 + V and S2 + V.  
    = S1 + V , S2 分词构句         ß主动用Ving, 被动用pp.
    = S1 + V , with  S2 分词构句    ß主动用Ving, 被动用pp.
      * 老师站在黑板前,双臂交叉。
         The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, and his arms were folded.
       = The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, his arms folded.
       = The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, with his arms folded.
       = The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, and (he) folded his arms.
       = The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, folding his arms.
    99.  1.  S + may[might] well + V          有理由......;难怪......
     2.  S + may[might] as well + V        最好......;不如......较好
    3.        S + may as well  A  as  B       与其B不如A
         S + might as well  A  as  B      做B等于做A
      * 难怪你这么说。
         You may well say so. = You might well say so.
         (= You have good reasons to say so. = No wonder you say so.)
      * 你最好不要鬼混了。
         You may as well not fool around. = You might as well not fool around.
         (= You had better not fool around.)
      * 凡事知之不尽不如不知。
         One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.
      * 你借钱给他等于丢到海里。
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