1. confide:v. 1.吐露(秘密等)2.信托,委托
She confided all her secrets to her best friend.(她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了所有的秘密。)
2. configuration:n. 构造,外形,布置,结构
3. confinement:n. 1. 幽禁,监禁 2.分娩 3. 限制
4. conflate:v. 合并,合成
The issues of race and class are separate and should not beconflated.(种族与阶级问题各不相关,不能混为一谈。)
5. congenial:a. 令人愉快的,情投意合的
6. congenital:a. (疾病)先天的;生就的
He has a congenital inability of telling the truth.(他生就的不会说实话。)
7. congested:a. 堵塞的
Many of Europe’s airplanes are heavily congested.(欧洲许多机场都十分拥挤。)
8. conjecture:v. 推测,猜
We can only conjecture about what was in the killer’s mind.(我们只能推测杀手当时在想什么。)
9. connoisseur:n. (艺术品、美酒等的)鉴赏家
10. connotation:n. 含蓄,涵义