1.dilapidated:a. 倒塌的,破旧的
The building wore a dilapidated look.(这建筑看起来要倒塌了。)
2.dilate:v. 张大,扩大
Her eyes dilated with terror.(她吓得瞪大了眼睛。)
3.dilettante:n. 浮泛的涉猎者。业余爱好者
4.dingy:a. 肮脏的,褪色的
5.disarray:n. 混乱,紊乱
6.disavow:v. 否认,不承认
Her husband disavowed her after 15 years of marriage and six children.(她的丈夫在和她结婚15年有6个孩子后抵赖不认她。)
7.disband:v. 解散,遣散
The officers disbanded the club.(干事们解散了俱乐部。)
Her face was barely discernible in the gloom.(在黑暗中几乎辨认不出她的脸来。)
9.disclaim:v. 否认,放弃
He disclaimed any interest in the plan.(他否认对该计划有任何兴趣。)
10.disconcert:v. 1. 使仓皇失措,使窘迫2. 挫败,打乱