1.exodus:n. 成群离去
2.exonerate:v. 使免受责备(指控)
The report on the accident exonerates the bus driver from any responsibility.(事故的报告认为公共汽车司机是没有任何责任的。)
3.exotic:a. 珍奇的,外国产的
There are some exotic words in English language.(英语中有一些外来词。)
4.expansive:a. 1. 友善的,健谈的,豪爽的2. 可扩大的
The father was in an expansive mood and gave presents to all of his children.(他们的父亲心情很好, 给每个孩子都送了礼物。)
5.expedite:v. 使(计划等)加快实施,促进
The builders promised to expedite the repairs.(建筑商答应加速修理。)
6.expound:v. 详述,解释
Why not get adiviner to expound my dream?(为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?)
7.expunge:v. 删去,除去
His memory of the race was expunged with no residual effects.他关于比赛的记忆被消除得不留痕迹。
8.expurgate:v. 修订,删除不当之处
The writer expurgated some parts from his novel when he read the third times.作家第三次审稿时又删去了几部分。
9.extol:v. 赞美,弘扬
He never stops extolling the virtues of the free market.(他不停地颂扬自由市场的种种好处。)
10. extrapolate:v. 推断,推知,推测
Events can be traced in the past and extrapolated into the future. (事件能够追溯到过去,也能推算其未来。)