1.ineluctable:a. 不可避免的
Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.(那些战争计划有一个信念为基础,即进攻必然比防守有利。)
2.inept:a. 1. 不擅长的,无能的2. 不合适的
He was an inept politician.(他是个无能的政客。)
4.infatuated:a. 迷恋的,沉溺的
He is infatuated with her, and doesn’t see her faults.(他对她着了迷, 看不出她的缺点。)
5.infest:n. (害虫等)大批出没,遍布,侵扰
6.infighting:n. 勾心斗角,暗斗
7.infiltrate:v. 渗透,(使)渗入
The organization was infiltrated by the police.(这个组织已被警察渗入。)
8.inflame:v. 使愤怒
Her question seemed to inflame him all the more.(她的问题似乎更加激怒了他。)
9.inflamed:a. 1.发炎的,红肿的2. 愤怒的
10.inflict:v. 1.予以(打击),使遭受,强加于2. 施(罚)
We do not know what led to the disaster nor whoinflicted it.(我不知道灾祸从何时起,也不知道肇事者是谁。)