教程:考研英语词汇  浏览:827  
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      anchor 锚 The anchor catches (drags).

      annoy 使恼怒,使生气 She was annoyed at (with) his lightheard attitude.

      annual 每年的,年度的 the annual output of steel

      anonymous 匿名的,无名的 an anonymous letter (phone call)

      anticipate 预期,预料 The directors anticipated a fall in demand (that demand would fall).

      apart 成零碎 Such cheap clothes come apart after a few washings.

      apparent 显然的,明明白白的 It was apparent that they all understood.

      avail 有利于,有助于 Will force alone avail us?

      average 平均数,平均 The paper receives an average of nearly 100 articles a day.

      avert 挡开,防止,避免 Many traffic accidents can be averted by courtesy.

      accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚 accumulate wisdom

      accurate 准确的,精确的 an accurate estimate

      accuse 指控,指责 They accused her publicly of stealing their books.

      activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动 They have planted secret agents in many countries

      appoint 任命,委派 They appointed his father (to be 或as) postmaster.

      appraise 估量,估计 appraise the infant's weight

      appreciate 感激 I appreciated your help much.

      apprehend 对...担心 Do you apprehend that there will be any difficulty?

      appropriate 恰当的,相称的 Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.

      approve 赞成,同意 I couldn't approve his conduct.

      approximate 大概的,大约的,近似的 The approximate time is 10 o'clock.

      appeal 呼吁,恳求 I appealed to the children to make less noise.

      applaud 鼓掌,喝彩,叫好 The audience applauds the performers for threeminutes.

      apply 涂,敷 He applied two coats of paint to the table.

      aggravate 加重,加剧,恶化 aggravate the declining economy

      assume 假定,假设 Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming (that) the weather is favarable.

      assure 深信不疑地对......说,向......保证

      assurance 保证,把握,信心 He gave me his assurance that he can win the game.

      aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weapon

      allied 结盟的,有关联的 allied nations

      allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱 a housing allowance

      alter 改变,更改 alter an attitude

      alternate 交替,轮流 Night and day alternate.

      arouse 使......奋发 A man like Tom will be aroused. Don’t worry.

      array 排列,队形 The troops were formed in battle array.

      articulate 发音清晰的, 善于表达的 He is articulate about everything in the field of economics.

      apt (习性)易于......的,有......倾向的 A careless person is apt to make mistakes.

      arbitrary 随心所欲的,个人武断的,任意的 an arbitrary choice

      arise 起立,起身 arise from one's seat

      astonish 使惊讶 I was astonished at his sudden appearance.

      attach 系,贴,连接 attach a label to a suitcase

      attain 达到,获得 attain one’s goal

      attend 出席,参加(会议等) attend a wedding

      attendance 出席,参加,出席人数,出席率 Our class has perfect attendance today.

      attentive 注意的,专心的 an attentive audience

      attribute 把归因于,把......(过错的责任等)归于(to) He attributed his success to hard work.

      auxiliary 辅助的 an auxiliary rocket

      上一篇:2017考研:英语高频短语(25) 下一篇:2018年考研英语核心词汇(二)


