Then it sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project dedicated to
wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers. But it never
seems to get around to noticing the cultural and class biases that so many
former buyers are complaining about. If it did, it would open up its diversity
program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for reporters who
differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.
然后它又发起了很多研讨会和可信度调查项目,致力于探究为什么顾客们会恼怒并大量流失。但它似乎从来没有考虑过, 应注意那么多以前的顾客所抱怨的文化和阶级偏见。如果他注意到了这个问题,它就应该进一步开放这个多元化项目,这个项目现在只单纯考虑招收不同种族和性别的员工,并寻找那些世界观、价值观、教育水平和社会阶层各不相同的记者。